- unaccommodated
- прил. неприспособленный неприспособленный не снабженный (чем-либо)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
unaccommodated — [un΄ə käm′ə dāt΄id] adj. 1. not accommodated or adapted 2. having no accommodations … English World dictionary
unaccommodated — /un euh kom euh day tid/, adj. 1. not accommodated; not adapted. 2. not having accommodations. 3. not furnished with something wanted or needed; not given satisfaction: customers left unaccommodated at the counter. [1595 1605; UN 1 +… … Universalium
unaccommodated — adjective not accommodated, not taken care of or looked after … Wiktionary
unaccommodated — adj. not adapted; without a place to stay; dissatisfied … English contemporary dictionary
unaccommodated — adj 1. not adapted, unadapted, unsuited, ill suited, unfit; not right, incongruous, at odds, discordant, dissonant; incompatible, mismatched; uncomfortable, awkward, ill at ease. 2. without shelter or rooms, unsettled, homeless, out in the cold,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
unaccommodated — un·accommodated … English syllables
unaccommodated — un ac•com′mo•dat ed adj … From formal English to slang
unaccommodated — /ʌnəˈkɒmədeɪtəd/ (say unuh komuhdaytuhd) adjective 1. not satisfied. 2. not accommodated; not adapted …
unaccommodated — “+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + accommodated, past participle of accommodate : not accommodated : unprovided … Useful english dictionary
un|ac|com|mo|dat|ed — «UHN uh KOM uh DAY tihd», adjective. 1. not provided (with): »a few persons still unaccommodated with rooms for the night. 2. without accommodation or accommodations: »to leave no one unaccommodated … Useful english dictionary
Disaccommodation — Dis ac*com mo*da tion, n. A state of being unaccommodated or unsuited. [R.] Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English