umpire rule
Смотреть что такое "umpire rule" в других словарях:
umpire — um·pire n: a person having authority to decide finally a controversy or question between parties: as a: one appointed to decide between disagreeing arbitrators b: an impartial third party chosen to arbitrate disputes arising under the terms of a… … Law dictionary
rule — 1 n 1 a: a prescribed guide for conduct or action b: a regulating principle or precept 2 a: an order or directive issued by a court in a particular proceeding esp. upon petition of a party to the proceeding that commands an officer or party to… … Law dictionary
Umpire (baseball) — In baseball, the umpire is the person charged with officiating the game, including beginning and ending the game, enforcing the rules of the game and the grounds, making judgment calls on plays, and meting out discipline.cite web |title=Official… … Wikipedia
Umpire Decision Review System — The Umpire Decision Review System (abbreviated as UDRS or DRS) is a new technology based system currently being used on an experimental basis in the sport of cricket. The system was first introduced in Test Cricket for the sole purpose of… … Wikipedia
umpire — um·pire (ŭm’pīr′) n. 1) Sports A person appointed to rule on plays, especially in baseball. 2) A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator. v. um·pired, um·pir·ing, um·pires v. tr. ▸ To act as… … Word Histories
Umpire (Australian rules football) — An umpire is an official in the sport of Australian rules football.OriginsUnlike many other codes of football, where the official is called a referee , in Australian Football, the officials borrow their title from the game of cricket, which is… … Wikipedia
rule — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 what you can or cannot do, say, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, cardinal, first, fundamental, golden ▪ ground rules ▪ … Collocations dictionary
umpire — /um puyeur/, n., v., umpired, umpiring. n. 1. a person selected to rule on the plays in a game. 2. one selected to settle disputes about the application of settled rules or usages; a person agreed on by disputing parties to arbitrate their… … Universalium
umpire — um•pire [[t]ˈʌm paɪər[/t]] n. v. pired, pir•ing 1) spo a person selected to rule on the plays in a game 2) spo one selected to settle disputes about rules or usages; a person agreed on by disputing parties to arbitrate their differences 3) spo to … From formal English to slang
rule — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. law, regulation; government, authority; ruler. See rule, measurement. II Regulation for standard procedure Nouns 1. rule, law, ordinance, regulation, canon, code, act, measure, statute; decision,… … English dictionary for students
umpire — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. referee, arbiter, arbitrator, ump (inf.); linesman. See judgment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. referee, arbiter, arbitrator, judge, justice, moderator, mediator, negotiator, peace maker, compromiser,… … English dictionary for students