
ˈumlaut сущ.;
линг. умляут Syn : mutation
4) умляут umlaut лингв. умляут

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "umlaut" в других словарях:

  • umlaut — ÚMLAUT s.n. 1. Fenomen fonetic constând în modificarea timbrului unei vocale accentuate sub influenţa vocalei următoare. 2. Tremă care se pune deasupra vocalelor care au suferit un umlaut (1). – Din germ. Umlaut. Trimis de valeriu, 03.04.2003.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Umlaut — may refer to: Diaeresis (diacritic), a pair of dots ( ¨ ) above a vowel, used in German to mark umlaut Metal umlaut, the same diacritic in names of heavy metal or hard rock bands for effect I mutation or umlaut, historic vowel fronting or raising …   Wikipedia

  • umlaut — ● umlaut nom masculin (allemand Umlaut) Synonyme de inflexion. En grammaire allemande, signe placé sur certaines voyelles (ä, ö, ü), et indiquant l inflexion. ● umlaut (synonymes) nom masculin (allemand Umlaut) Synonymes : inflexion …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ümlaut — is a crust punk/hardcore punk band from Finland. They have released a record called Havoc Wreakers on 12 vinyl through the CrimethInc. and Finnish record label Combat Rock Industry. In 2005, CrimethInc. released Total Disfuckincography , with all …   Wikipedia

  • umlaut — [oom′lout] n. [Ger, change of sound (< um, about + laut, sound, akin to LOUD): coined (1774) by F. G. Klopstock (1724 1803), Ger poet, but first used in special senses by Jakob GRIMM Jakob (Ludwig Karl) (1819)] Linguis. 1. a) a historical… …   English World dictionary

  • Umlaut — / umlaut/ (o, all ital., umlaut) s.m., ted. (propr. modificazione di suono ). 1. (ling.) [innalzamento del grado della vocale tonica per influenza di una vocale alta in posizione finale o, più raramente, postonica] ▶◀ metafonesi, metafonia.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Umlaut — Um laut, n. [G., from um about + laut sound.] (Philol.) The euphonic modification of a root vowel sound by the influence of a, u, or especially i, in the syllable which formerly followed. [1913 Webster] Note: It is peculiar to the Teutonic… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • umlaut — (n.) 1852, from Ger. umlaut change of sound, from um about (see AMBI (Cf. ambi )) + laut sound, from O.H.G. hlut (see LISTEN (Cf. listen)). Coined 1774 by poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724 1803) but first used in its current sense 1819 by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • umlaut — /ˈumlaut, ted. ˈumˌlaot/ [vc. ted., comp. di um, che indica cambiamento e Laut «suono»] s. m. inv. 1. (ling.) metafonesi, metafonia 2. (est.) dieresi …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • umlaut — ùmlaut m DEFINICIJA gram. razg. prijeglas, preglašeni vokal (npr. ä, ü, ö) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Umlaut …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Umlaut — Umlaut, in den germanischen Sprachen bei der Flexion die Verdünnung od. Trübung eines reinen (einfachen u. ursprünglichen) Vocals in der Wurzel durch Einfluß des i, so daß aus a ä, aus o ö, aus u. ü, aus au äu wird, z.B. Hände, Höfe, Krüge, trüge …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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