ultrasonic weld
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Ultrasonic welding — is an industrial whereby high frequency ultrasonic acoustic vibrations are locally applied to workpieces being held together under pressure to create a solid state weld. It is commonly used for plastics, and especially for joining dissimilar… … Wikipedia
Ultrasonic testing — Step 1 : The UT probe is placed on the root of the blades to be inspected with the help of a special borescope tool (video probe). Step 2 : Instrument settings are input. Step 3 : The probe is scanned over the blade root. In this case, an… … Wikipedia
Ultrasonic Impact Treatment — In 1972 the ultrasonic impact technology was developed and has since been perfected by a team of Russian scientists under the leadership of Dr. Efim Statnikov for use within the shipbuilding, submarine manufacture and aerospace industries. The… … Wikipedia
Nondestructive testing — or Non destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.[1] The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE),… … Wikipedia
welding — Technique for joining metallic parts, usually through the application of heat. Discovered in the 1st millennium AD during attempts to manipulate iron into useful shapes, the technique produced a strong, tough blade. Welding traditionally involved … Universalium
Plastic welding — is the process of welding plastic parts together. There are several techniques:Hot gas weldingThis is a plastic welding technique which is analogous to gas welding of metals, though the specific techniques are different. A specially designed heat … Wikipedia
Phased array ultrasonics — Phased Array (PA) ultrasonics is an advanced method of ultrasonic testing that has applications in medical imaging and industrial nondestructive testing, originally pioneered by Albert Macovski of Stanford University. [cite web |url=… … Wikipedia
Time of flight diffraction ultrasonics — Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) method of Ultrasonic inspection is a very sensitive and accurate method for nondestructive testing of welds for defects. TOFD is a computerised system that was invented in the UK in the 1970s for the nuclear… … Wikipedia
Welding — is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld puddle ) that cools to… … Wikipedia
Ball bonding — is a type of wire bonding, and is the most common way to make the electrical interconnections between a microchip and the outside world as part of semiconductor device fabrication.Gold or copper wire can be used, though gold is more common… … Wikipedia
Plastic Sealing/Welding Technologies — The purpose of this article is to outline the most commonly used heat sealing technologies in the Industrial Fabrics market using Engineered Textiles with Polymer coatings. Advancements in industrial materials/fabrics, such as greater heat… … Wikipedia