- ultimate yield strength
- предел прочности на растяжение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Strength of materials — Internal force lines are denser near the hole, a common stress concentration In materials science, the strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied stress without failure. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, or shear … Wikipedia
Strength of ships — The strength of ships is a topic of key interest to Naval Architects and shipbuilders. Ships which are built too strong are heavy, slow, and cost extra money to build and operate since they weigh more, whilst ships which are built too weakly… … Wikipedia
Yield (engineering) — The yield strength or yield point of a material is defined in engineering and materials science as the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point the material will deform elastically and will return to its… … Wikipedia
Ultimate failure — In mechanical engineering, ultimate failure describes the breaking of a material. In general there are two types or failure: fracture and buckling. Fracture of a material occurs when either an internal or external crack elongates the width or… … Wikipedia
strength — a very general term that may be applied to a material or a structure. In a material, strength refers to a level of stress at which there is a significant change in the state of the material, e.g., yielding or rupture. In a structure, strength… … Mechanics glossary
ultimate load — In stress analysis, the minimum load that in its last increment causes a physical breakdown in an aircraft or component during a strength test or a load that, according to computation, should cause such a breakdown. Normally, the ultimate load is … Aviation dictionary
strength — 1. The quality of being strong or powerful. 2. The degree of intensity. 3. The property of materials by which they endure the application of force without yielding or breaking. associative s. in psychology, the s. of a stimulus response linkage… … Medical dictionary
Tensile strength — sigma {UTS}, or S U is the stress at which a material breaks or permanently deforms. Tensile strength is an intensive property and, consequently, does not depend on the size of the test specimen. However, it is dependent on the preparation of the … Wikipedia
Currency strength — expresses the value of currency. For economists, it is often calculated as purchasing power,[1] while for financial traders, it can be described as an indicator, reflecting many factors related to the currency; for example, fundamental data,… … Wikipedia
Steel plate shear wall — A steel plate shear wall (SPSW) consists of steel infill plates bounded by a column beam system. Overview When these infill plates occupy each level within a framed bay of a structure, they constitute an SPSW [Kharrazi, M.H.K., 2005, “Rational… … Wikipedia
Zamak — ingot Zamak (formerly trademarked as ZAMAK[1] and also known as Zamac) is a family of alloys with a base metal of zinc and alloying elements of aluminium, magnesium and copper. Zamak alloys are part of the zinc al … Wikipedia