ultimate analysis
Смотреть что такое "ultimate analysis" в других словарях:
Ultimate analysis — Ultimate Ul ti*mate, a. [LL. ultimatus last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare to come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior. See {Ulterior}, and cf. {Ultimatum}.] 1. Farthest; most remote in space or time;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ultimate analysis — n in the case of coal and coke, the determination of carbon and hydrogen in the material, as found in the gaseous products of its complete combustion, the determinations of sulfur, nitrogen, and ash in the material as a whole, and the calculation … Coke&Coal Terminology
ultimate analysis — noun : the determination of the percentage of constituent elements of a chemical substance * * * ultimate analysis, Chemistry. a form of analysis in which the quantity of each element in a compound is determined … Useful english dictionary
ultimate analysis — in chemistry, this is a quantitative analysis in which percentages of all elements in the substance are determined … Mechanics glossary
ultimate analysis — the determination of the proportions of elements in a chemical compound … Medical dictionary
Ultimate Analysis — A procedure for determining the primary elements in a substance (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and ash) … Energy terms
Ultimate — Ul ti*mate, a. [LL. ultimatus last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare to come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior. See {Ulterior}, and cf. {Ultimatum}.] 1. Farthest; most remote in space or time; extreme;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ultimate belief — Ultimate Ul ti*mate, a. [LL. ultimatus last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare to come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior. See {Ulterior}, and cf. {Ultimatum}.] 1. Farthest; most remote in space or time;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ultimate ratio — Ultimate Ul ti*mate, a. [LL. ultimatus last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare to come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior. See {Ulterior}, and cf. {Ultimatum}.] 1. Farthest; most remote in space or time;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
analysis — n. examination of component parts 1) to make an analysis 2) a careful, painstaking, thorough; in depth; penetrating analysis 3) (ling.) discourse analysis 4) (chemistry) qualitative; quantitative analysis 5) (math.) vector analysis 6) upon… … Combinatory dictionary
ultimate — adj. & n. adj. 1 last, final. 2 beyond which no other exists or is possible (the ultimate analysis). 3 fundamental, primary, unanalysable (ultimate truths). 4 maximum (ultimate tensile strength). n. 1 (prec. by the) the best achievable or… … Useful english dictionary