Смотреть что такое "ulcerous" в других словарях:
Ulcerous — Ul cer*ous, a. [L. ulcerous: cf. F. ulc[ e]reux.] 1. Having the nature or character of an ulcer; discharging purulent or other matter. R. Browning. [1913 Webster] 2. Affected with an ulcer or ulcers; ulcerated. [1913 Webster] It will but skin and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ulcerous — (adj.) 1570s, from L. ulcerosus, from ulcer (see ULCER (Cf. ulcer)) … Etymology dictionary
ulcerous — [ul′sər əs] adj. [L ulcerosus] 1. having an ulcer or ulcers 2. of, being, or characterized by an ulcer or ulcers 3. causing an ulcer or ulcers ulcerously adv … English World dictionary
ulcerous — adjective Date: 1577 1. characterized or caused by ulceration < ulcerous lesions > 2. affected with or as if with an ulcer ; ulcerated … New Collegiate Dictionary
ulcerous — ulcerously, adv. ulcerousness, n. /ul seuhr euhs/, adj. 1. of the nature of an ulcer; characterized by the formation of ulcers. 2. affected with an ulcer or ulcers. [1570 80; < L ulcerosus full of sores, ulcerous, equiv. to ulcer a sore, ULCER +… … Universalium
ulcerous — ul·cer·ous əls (ə )rəs adj 1) characterized or caused by ulceration <ulcerous lesions> 2) affected with an ulcer * * * ul·cer·ous (ulґsər əs) ulcerative … Medical dictionary
ulcerous — ulcer ► NOUN ▪ an open sore on the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. DERIVATIVES ulcered adjective ulcerous adjective. ORIGIN Latin ulcus … English terms dictionary
ulcerous — adjective /ˈʌl.sɚ.əs/ a) Of or relating to an ulcer b) Having an ulcer See Also: ulcer, ulcerate, ulceration, ulcerative … Wiktionary
ulcerous — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. ulcerative, gangrenous, cankered; see unhealthy . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. ulcerated, cankerous, cankered, festering, sore. ANT.: healthy, healing, clean … English dictionary for students
ulcerous — ul·cer·ous || ÊŒlsÉ™rÉ™s adj. of or related to ulcers; having open sores or corruption … English contemporary dictionary
ulcerous — adj cankerous, cankered, ulcerative, ulcerated, festering, festered, Both Pathol. furuncular, furunculous, suppurating, suppurative; gangrenous, gangrened, mortified, morbid, Pathol. necrotic, Pathol. necrosed, Pathol. sphacelated; diseased,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder