Смотреть что такое "tyrocidine" в других словарях:
tyrocidine — [tī΄rō sīd′ n, tī΄rəsī′dēn΄] n. 〚 TYRO(SINE) + CID(E) + INE3〛 an antibacterial substance obtained from a soil bacillus (Bacillus brevis) * * * ty·ro·ci·dine also ty·ro·ci·din (tī rə sīdʹn) n. A polypeptide antibiotic, produced by the soil… … Universalium
Tyrocidine — [Kurzwort, gebildet zu Tyrosin und lateinisch caedere, in Zusammensetzungen cidere »niederhauen«, »töten«], Singular Tyrocidin das, s, Gruppe von drei aus je zehn Aminosäuren aufgebauten zyklischen Peptidantibiotika (Tyrocidin A, B und C), die… … Universal-Lexikon
tyrocidine — [tī΄rō sīd′ n, tī΄rəsī′dēn΄] n. [ TYRO(SINE) + CID(E) + INE3] an antibacterial substance obtained from a soil bacillus (Bacillus brevis) … English World dictionary
Tyrocidine — chembox new ImageFile= Tyrocidine.png ImageSize= 300px IUPACName= 3 ((3S,6R,9S,12S,15S,18S,21S,24S,27R,32aS) 9 (2 amino 2 oxoethyl) 21 (3 aminopropyl) 3,6,27 tribenzyl 15 (4 hydroxybenzyl) 24 isobutyl 18 isopropyl 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28… … Wikipedia
Tyrocidine — Le tyrocidine est un décapeptide d origine bactérienne qui possède une activité antibiotique. Il possède trois particularités : sa cyclicité provoque une absence des extrémités N ter et C ter, il possède de l ornithine (acide aminé non… … Wikipédia en Français
tyrocidine — also tyrocidin noun Etymology: tyrothricin + gramicidin Date: 1940 a basic polypeptide antibiotic produced by a soil bacillus (Bacillus brevis) … New Collegiate Dictionary
tyrocidine — noun a polypeptide antibiotic produced by bacteria in the soil … Wiktionary
tyrocidine — ty·ro·ci·dine also ty·ro·ci·din .tī rə sīd ən n a basic polypeptide antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium of the genus Bacillus (B. brevis) and constituting the major component of tyrothricin * * * ty·ro·ci·dine (ti″ro siґdin) a… … Medical dictionary
tyrocidine — n. antibiotic medication extracted from tyrothricin (Pharmacology) … English contemporary dictionary
tyrocidine — ty·ro·ci·dine … English syllables
tyrocidine — noun a basic polypeptide antibiotic derived from a soil bacterium; a major component of tyrothricin • Syn: ↑tyrocidin • Hypernyms: ↑antibiotic, ↑antibiotic drug • Substance Holonyms: ↑tyrothricin … Useful english dictionary