Typhoid — Ty phoid, a. [Typhus + oid: cf. F. typho[ i]de, Gr. ?. See {Typhus}.] (Med.) Of or pertaining to typhus; resembling typhus; of a low grade like typhus; as, typhoid symptoms. [1913 Webster] {Typhoid fever}, a disease formerly confounded with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
typhoid — (adj.) 1800, lit. resembling typhus, from TYPHUS (Cf. typhus) + suffix from Gk. oeides like, from eidos form, shape (see OID (Cf. oid)). The noun is from 1861, a shortened form of typhoid fever (1845), so called because it was originally thought… … Etymology dictionary
Typhoïd — Typhoïd, das (griech, »typhusähnlich«), Bezeichnung verschiedener Krankheitszustände. 1) Der Unterleibstyphus (engl. typhoid fever, franz. fièvre typhoïde, s. Typhus 2). 2) Das biliöse T., früher als besondere Krankheitsform beschrieben, ist… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
typhoid — (also typhoid fever) ► NOUN ▪ an infectious bacterial fever with an eruption of red spots on the chest and abdomen and severe intestinal irritation. ORIGIN from TYPHUS(Cf. ↑typhus) … English terms dictionary
typhoid — [tī′foid΄] n. [ TYPH(US) + OID] 1. Archaic any typhuslike disorder 2. an acute infectious disease caused by a bacillus (Salmonella typhi) and acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated by excreta: it was formerly considered a form of typhus … English World dictionary
Typhoid — Typhoīd (grch.), ein leichterer Unterleibstyphus (s. Typhus). T. des Geflügels, s. Hühnercholera … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
typhoid — I. adjective Etymology: New Latin typhus Date: 1800 1. of, relating to, or suggestive of typhus 2. [typhoid (II)] of, relating to, or constituting typhoid II. noun Date: 1861 1. typhoid fever … New Collegiate Dictionary
typhoid — /tuy foyd/, Pathol. n. 1. Also called typhoid fever. an infectious, often fatal, febrile disease, usually of the summer months, characterized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration, caused by the typhoid bacillus, which is usually introduced… … Universalium
typhoid — 1. Typhus like; stuporous from fever. 2. SYN: t. fever. [typhus + G. eidos, resemblance] abdominal t. SYN: t. fever. ambulatory t. SYN: walking t.. apyretic t. t. fever in which the temperature does not rise more than a … Medical dictionary
typhoid — n. to contract, develop typhoid * * * [ taɪfɔɪd] develop typhoid to contract … Combinatory dictionary
typhoid — ty|phoid [ˈtaıfɔıd] n also .typhoid fever [U] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: typhus] a serious infectious disease that is caused by dirty food or drink ▪ a sudden outbreak of typhoid … Dictionary of contemporary English