type of analyticity
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logic, philosophy of — Philosophical study of the nature and scope of logic. Examples of questions raised in the philosophy of logic are: In virtue of what features of reality are the laws of logic true? ; How do we know the truths of logic? ; and Could the laws of… … Universalium
semantics — semanticist /si man teuh sist/, semantician /see man tish euhn/, n. /si man tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. Ling. a. the study of meaning. b. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form. 2.… … Universalium
Willard Van Orman Quine — Unreferenced|date=August 2007 Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = 20th century philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = Willard Van Orman Quine name = Willard Van Orman Quine birth = birth date|mf=yes|1908|6|25 death = death… … Wikipedia
Mill, John Stuart: Logic and metaphysics — J.S.Mill Logic and metaphysics John Skorupski ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTICISM IN MILL’S PHILOSOPHY Mill’s importance as one of the major figures of nineteenth century politics and culture, and the current interest in him as a moral and political… … History of philosophy
Analytic function — This article is about both real and complex analytic functions. The article holomorphic function is solely about analytic functions in complex analysis. An analytic signal is a signal with no negative frequency components. In mathematics, an… … Wikipedia
Logical truth — is one of the most fundamental concepts in logic, and there are different theories on its nature. A logical truth is a statement which is true and remains true under all reinterpretations of its components other than its logical constants. It is… … Wikipedia
Phase diagram — In physical chemistry, mineralogy, and materials science, a phase diagram is a type of graph used to show the equilibrium conditions between the thermodynamically distinct phases. In mathematics and physics, a phase diagram also has an… … Wikipedia
epistemology — epistemological /i pis teuh meuh loj i keuhl/, adj. epistemologically, adv. epistemologist, n. /i pis teuh mol euh jee/, n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. [1855 60; < Gk… … Universalium
Germanic languages — Infobox Language family name = Germanic altname = Teutonic region = Originally in northern, western and central Europe; today worldwide familycolor = Indo European fam1 = Indo European child1 = East Germanic child2 = North Germanic child3 = West… … Wikipedia
Paris arts faculty (The): Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Radulphus Brito — The Paris arts faculty: Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Radulphus Brito Sten Ebbesen Throughout the thirteenth century Paris overshadowed all other universities in the arts as in theology. This chapter will deal almost exclusively with Paris … History of philosophy
List of philosophy topics (A-C) — 110th century philosophy 11th century philosophy 12th century philosophy 13th century philosophy 14th century philosophy 15th century philosophy 16th century philosophy 17th century philosophy 18th century philosophy 19th century philosophy220th… … Wikipedia