
1. прил. двойной;
парный, сдвоенный, удвоенный Syn : double, dual
2. нареч. вдвое (больше) ;
вдвойне двойной, состоящий из двух частей сдвоенный, объединяющий два предмета, элемента существующий в двух вариантах удвоенный, увеличенный в два раза свитый из двух нитей (о пряже) двуличный;
фальшивый, лицемерный колеблющийся, нерешительный вдвое (больше) ;
в два раза больше;
вдвойне - kindness returned * добро, возвращенное в двойном размере в два сгиба (шотландское) в три погибели (о человеке) twofold вдвое (больше) ;
вдвойне ~ двойной;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "twofold" в других словарях:

  • Twofold — Two fold , a. [Cf. {Twifold}.] Double; duplicate; multiplied by two; as, a twofold nature; a twofold sense; a twofold argument. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Twofold — Two fold , adv. In a double degree; doubly. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • twofold — O.E. tweofeald; see TWO (Cf. two) + FOLD (Cf. fold) …   Etymology dictionary

  • twofold — [to͞o′fōld΄] adj. [ TWO + FOLD] 1. having two parts; double; dual 2. having twice as much or as many adv. twice as much or as many …   English World dictionary

  • twofold — I twofold UK [ˈtuːˌfəʊld] / US [ˈtuˌfoʊld] or two fold UK / US adjective 1) twice as much, or twice as many a twofold increase in cases of meningitis 2) consisting of two parts Our aim is twofold. II twofold UK [ˈtuːˌfəʊld] / US [ˈtuˌfoʊld] or… …   English dictionary

  • twofold — 1. adjective Double; duplicate; multiplied by two; as, a twofold nature; a twofold sense; a twofold argument. some who posit both this cause and besides this the source of movement, which we have got from some as single and from other as twofold …   Wiktionary

  • twofold — two|fold [ˈtu:fəuld US fould] adj 1.) two times as much or as many of something ▪ a twofold increase in cases of TB 2.) having two important parts ▪ The benefits of the scheme are twofold. >twofold adv ▪ Student numbers have expanded twofold… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • twofold — two|fold1 [ tu,fould ] or two ,fold adjective 1. ) twice as much, or twice as many: a twofold increase in cases of meningitis 2. ) consisting of two parts: Our aim is twofold. twofold two|fold 2 [ tu,fould ] or two ,fold adverb by twice the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • twofold — adjective 1 two times as much or as many of something: a twofold increase in the incidence of TB 2 having two important parts: The reasons for the collapse are twofold. twofold adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • twofold [ˈtuːˌfəʊld] — adj 1) twice as much, or twice as many a twofold increase in the amount of traffic[/ex] 2) consisting of two parts The aim of the campaign is twofold.[/ex] twofold adv …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • twofold — [[t]tu͟ːfoʊld[/t]] also two fold ADJ You can use twofold to introduce a topic that has two equally important parts. [FORMAL] The purpose of the ambassador s visit is twofold to step up pressure on the invaders to withdraw peacefully, and to… …   English dictionary

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