Смотреть что такое "twofaced" в других словарях:
twofaced — has two sides, behaves in two completely different manners … English contemporary dictionary
Polycephaly — Two Heads redirects here. For the Jefferson Airplane song, see After Bathing at Baxter s. Fourhead redirects here. For the facial feature, see Forehead. Triple headed redirects here. For the rail transport operation, see Double heading. Twelve… … Wikipedia
Кьюкор, Джордж — (George Cukor) Режиссер театра и кино. Родился 7 июля 1899 г. в НьюЙорке в семье выходцев из австровенгерской империи, умер 24 января 1983. г. В 19 летнем возрасте вопреки воле родителей, мечтавших видеть сына юристом, стал ассистентом… … Режиссерская энциклопедия. Кино США
treacherous — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Traitorous] Syn. treasonable, falsehearted, unfaithful, faithless; see false 1 . 2. [Unreliable] Syn. deceptive, undependable, dangerous, risky, misleading, tricky, dissembled, untrustworthy, deceitful, false, twofaced,… … English dictionary for students
adulterous — [adj] unfaithful cheating, doublecrossing*, extracurricular*, fast and loose*, illicit, immoral, moonlighting*, speedy*, twofaced*, two timing*, unchaste; concept 372 Ant. chaste, clean, pure, virginal … New thesaurus
sharp — [adj1] knifelike, cutting aciculate, acuate, acuminate, acuminous, acute, apical, barbed, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, edged, fine, ground fine, honed, horned, jagged, keen, keen edged, knife edged, needlelike, needle pointed, peaked, pointed,… … New thesaurus
untruthful — [adj] dishonest bluffing, cheating, corrupt, crooked, deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, disreputable, double crossing, doubledealing, false, fraudulent, lying, misleading, shady, shifty, sneaking, sneaky, tricky, twofaced*, two timing*,… … New thesaurus