Смотреть что такое "two-tube" в других словарях:
Tube sound — (or valve sound) is the characteristic sound associated with a vacuum tube based audio amplifiers. Some audiophiles prefer the sound that is produced by the distortion characteristics of tube based amplifiers. The audible significance of tube… … Wikipedia
Tube Alloys — was the code name for the British nuclear weapon directorate during World War II, when the very possibility of nuclear weapons was kept at such a high level of secrecy that it had to be referred to by code even in the highest circles of… … Wikipedia
Tube tool — Tube tools are tools used to service any tubing (material) in industrial applications including, but not limited to: HVAC or industrial heating and air (hospitals and universities, for example), OEM s(Original equipment manufacturer), defense… … Wikipedia
Tube beading — is a tube end forming operation performed on tubes of many sizes and metals. Tube beads can be used to help hold a hose on the end of a tube or even to strengthen the end of the tube. [Gregory Miller, Tube Forming Processes: A Comprehensive Guide … Wikipedia
Tube-dwelling anemone — Tube dwelling anemones Tube dwelling Anemone, Cerianthus sp. Scientific classification … Wikipedia
tube — ► NOUN 1) a long, hollow cylinder for conveying or holding liquids or gases. 2) a flexible metal or plastic container sealed at one end and having a cap at the other. 3) a hollow cylindrical organ or structure in an animal or plant. 4) Brit.… … English terms dictionary
Tube feet — are the many small tubular projections found most famously on the ventral face of a starfish s arms, but are characteristic of the water vascular system of the echinoderm phylum which also includes sea urchins, sand dollars and sea cucumbers and… … Wikipedia
Two-photon excitation microscopy — is a fluorescence imaging technique that allows imaging of living tissue up to a very high depth, that is up to about one millimeter. Being a special variant of the multiphoton fluorescence microscope, it uses red shifted excitation light which… … Wikipedia
Tube bending — Bent tubing Shown is a trombone, it displays some U bends Tub … Wikipedia
Tube socket — Left to right: octal (top and bottom view), loctal, and miniature (top and side view) sockets. An early transistor socket and an IC socket are included for comparison. Tube sockets are electrical sockets into which vacuum tubes (also known as… … Wikipedia
Tube — A long hollow cylinder. There are many tube like structures in the human body, such as the auditory tube (Eustachian tube) in the ear. * * * 1. A hollow cylindrical structure or canal. 2. A hollow cylinder or pipe. SYN: tuba [TA]. [L. tubus]… … Medical dictionary