Смотреть что такое "two-spindle" в других словарях:
Spindle Galaxy — may refer to one of two galaxies:* NGC 5866 in the constellation Draco (which may also be M102) * NGC 3115 in the constellation Sextans … Wikipedia
Spindle neuron — Infobox neuron neuron name = Spindle neuron image neuron = Spindle cell.png caption neuron = Cartoon of a spindle cell (right) compared to a normal pyramidal cell (left). location = Anterior cingulate cortex and Frontoinsular cortex function =… … Wikipedia
Spindle pole body — The spindle pole body (SPB) is the microtubule organizing center in yeast cells, functionally equivalent to the centrosome. Unlike the centrosome the SPB does not contain centrioles. The SPB organises the microtubule cytoskeleton which plays many … Wikipedia
Spindle (sculpture) — Infobox Sculpture title = Spindle artist = Dustin Shuler year = 1989 type = Assemblage height = 1500 inch = 600 city = Berwyn, Illinois museum = Cermak Plaza Spindle was a sculpture created in 1989 by artist Dustin Shuler. It consisted of a 50… … Wikipedia
Spindle checkpoint — The spindle checkpoint blocks the entry of a cell undergoing mitosis into anaphase until all chromosomes are properly attached to the meiotic or mitotic spindle. To achieve proper segregation, the two kinetochores on the sister chromatids must be … Wikipedia
spindle — spindlelike, adj. /spin dl/, n., adj., v., spindled, spindling. n. 1. a rounded rod, usually of wood, tapering toward each end, used in hand spinning to twist into thread the fibers drawn from the mass on the distaff, and on which the thread is… … Universalium
spindle — /ˈspɪndl / (say spindl) noun 1. a rounded rod, usually of wood, tapering towards each end, used in spinning by hand to twist into thread the fibres drawn from the mass on the distaff, and to wind the thread on as it is spun. 2. the rod on a… …
spindle — In anatomy and pathology, any fusiform cell or structure. [A.S.] aortic s. a fusiform dilation of the aorta immediately beyond the isthmus. SYN: His s.. central s. a central group of microtubules (continuous fib … Medical dictionary
spindle — n. a collection of fibres seen in a cell when it is dividing. The fibres radiate from the two ends (poles) and meet at the centre (the equator) giving a structure shaped like two cones placed base to base. It plays an important part in chromosome … The new mediacal dictionary
Muscle spindle — Latin fusus neuromuscularis Code TH H3. Muscle spindles are sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle, which primarily detect changes in the length of this muscle. They convey length information to the central nervous system via … Wikipedia
swivel spindle — n. normally a two piece spindle assembly whose two halves are designed to turn independently … Locksmith dictionary