two-pronged fork

two-pronged fork
мат. двумерная вилка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "two-pronged fork" в других словарях:

  • fork — [fôrk] n. [ME forke < OE forca & Anglo Fr forque (Fr fourche), both < L furca, two pronged fork] 1. an instrument of greatly varying size with a handle at one end and two or more pointed prongs at the other: forks are variously used as… …   English World dictionary

  • Fork — For other uses, see Fork (disambiguation). Assorted forks. From left to right: dessert fork, relish fork, salad fork, dinner fork, cold cuts fork, serving fork, carving fork …   Wikipedia

  • fork — forkless, adj. forklike, adj. /fawrk/, n. 1. an instrument having two or more prongs or tines, for holding, lifting, etc., as an implement for handling food or any of various agricultural tools. 2. something resembling or suggesting this in form …   Universalium

  • fork — [OE] Fork comes from Latin furca, a word of unknown origin which denoted ‘two pronged fork or stake’. It provided most of the Romance and Celtic languages with their terms for ‘fork’, as well as English (French fourche, for instance, Italian… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • fork — [OE] Fork comes from Latin furca, a word of unknown origin which denoted ‘two pronged fork or stake’. It provided most of the Romance and Celtic languages with their terms for ‘fork’, as well as English (French fourche, for instance, Italian… …   Word origins

  • fork — 1. A pronged instrument used for holding or lifting. 2. An instrument resembling a f. in that it has tines or prongs. bite f. SYN: face bow f.. face bow f. that part of the face bow assemblage used to attach the maxillary trial base to the face… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tuning fork — A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two pronged fork with the tines formed from a U shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel). It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or… …   Wikipedia

  • fork — ► NOUN 1) an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting or holding food. 2) a pronged farm or garden tool used for digging or lifting. 3) each of a pair of supports in which a bicycle or motorcycle wheel revolves. 4) the point where a… …   English terms dictionary

  • tuning fork — /ˈtjunɪŋ fɔk/ (say tyoohning fawk) noun a two pronged fork with the prongs or tines made from metal, usually steel, to resonate at a particular pitch, usually standard concert pitch of A = 440Hz …  

  • selector fork — A part of the selector mechanism of a manual gearbox, shaped like a two pronged fork, which fits into the groove round a coupling sleeve and moves a sliding pinion forward or back along a selector rod …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • fork — noun 1》 a pronged implement used for lifting or holding food.     ↘a pronged farm or garden tool used for digging or lifting. 2》 the point where something, especially a road or (N. Amer.) river, divides into two parts.     ↘either of two such… …   English new terms dictionary

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