
двуточечный two-point boundary problem ≈ двуточечная граничная задача - two-point distribution - two-point form - two-point function - two-point gamble - two-point space - two-point steady-rest - two-point tensor поддерживаемый в двух точках;
опирающийся на две точки - * landing касание полосы двумя колесами (при посадке самолета)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "two-point" в других словарях:

  • Two-point — is a position in English riding used when jumping, named because the rider has two points (both legs) in contact with the saddle. The rider supports his or her body using leg and stirrup, keeping the heels down, closing the hip angle, and lifting …   Wikipedia

  • two-point — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : having or concerned with two points a two point equidistant map projection 2. : being in contact or supported at two points …   Useful english dictionary

  • Two-point discrimination — is the ability to discern that two nearby objects touching the skin are truly two distinct points, not one. It is often tested with two sharp points during a neurological examination and reflects how finely innervated an area of skin is. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-point conversion — For the rugby football scoring attempt after a try, see Try#Conversion. In American and Canadian football, a two point conversion is a play a team attempts instead of kicking a one point convert immediately after it scores a touchdown. In a two… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-Point Conversion — Die Two Point Conversion (TPC) ist eine Alternative zum Point after Touchdown im American und Canadian Football. Es handelt sich dabei um den Versuch, zwei Punkte nach einem Touchdown zu erzielen. Je nach Regelwerk startet die Offense, die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Two-point tensor — Double vector redirects here. For dual vectors, see dual space. For bivectors, see bivector. Two point tensors, or double vectors, are tensor like quantities which transform as vectors with respect to each of their indices and are used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-point equidistant projection — The two point equidistant projection is a map projection first described by Hans Maurer in 1919. [cite web |url= info/nr502/lg2/projection descriptions/two point equidistant.html |title=Two Point… …   Wikipedia

  • Two Point Conversion — Die Two Point Conversion, ist eine Begriff aus dem American Football. Es handelt sich dabei um den Versuch, 2 Punkte nach einem Touchdown zu erzielen. Erklärung In der NFL muss die angreifende Mannschaft, von der gegnerischen 2 Yard Linie, einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • two-point perspective —    An application of linear perspective in which all lines (representing straight edges that go from points nearer to points farther) appear to meet at either of two points on the horizon. Here s how to draw in two point perspective. Also see… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • two-point threshold — noun or two point limen : the smallest separation at which two points applied simultaneously to the skin can be distinguished from one …   Useful english dictionary

  • two-point control — dviejų lygių reguliavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. bang bang control; two point control vok. Ein Aus Regelung, f; Zweipunktregelung, f rus. двухпозиционное регулирование, n pranc. réglage à deux positions, m; régulation à… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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