Смотреть что такое "two-pair" в других словарях:
two-pair — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: two pair 1. Britain : situated on the third story above two flights of stairs a two pair front room 2. : containing two pairs a two pair poker hand * * * … Useful english dictionary
Two pair — Im Kartenspiel Poker beschreibt der Begriff Hand die besten fünf Karten, die ein Spieler nutzen kann. Die Rangfolge der einzelnen Kartenkombinationen ist bei allen Spielvarianten gleich, lediglich ihre Wahrscheinlichkeit variiert. So ist bei der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
two-pair-of-stairs — twoˈ pair or twoˈ pair of stairs adjective On a second floor noun A room so situated • • • Main Entry: ↑two … Useful english dictionary
two pair — noun 1. Britain : a lodging situated on the third floor 2. or two pairs : a pair of one denomination and another of different denomination held in the same hand in poker and ranking between one pair and triplets see poker illustration * * * Poker … Useful english dictionary
two pair — Poker. a set of two cards of the same denomination together with another matched set of different denomination from the first. * * * … Universalium
two pair — noun A hand which contains two pairs … Wiktionary
Pair — (p[^a]r), n. [F. paire, LL. paria, L. paria, pl. of par pair, fr. par, adj., equal. Cf. {Apparel}, {Par} equality, {Peer} an equal.] [1913 Webster] 1. A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together; a set; as, a pair or flight… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pair royal — Pair Pair (p[^a]r), n. [F. paire, LL. paria, L. paria, pl. of par pair, fr. par, adj., equal. Cf. {Apparel}, {Par} equality, {Peer} an equal.] [1913 Webster] 1. A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together; a set; as, a pair… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pair — 1. Used as a collective noun, pair is treated as a plural when it denotes two separate items and as a singular when it denotes a unit: so a pair of gloves, scissors, scales, shoes, trousers, etc. are singular whereas a pair of bachelors, dogs,… … Modern English usage
pair — pairwise, adv. /pair/, n., pl. pairs, pair, v. n. 1. two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together: a pair of gloves; a pair of earrings. 2. something consisting of or regarded as having two parts or pieces… … Universalium
pair — [[t]pɛər[/t]] n. pl. pairs, pair, v. 1) two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together: a pair of gloves[/ex] 2) something consisting of or regarded as having two parts or pieces joined together: a pair of… … From formal English to slang