two-input table
Смотреть что такое "two-input table" в других словарях:
Input-output model — The Input output model of economics uses a matrix representation of a nation s (or a region s) economy to predict the effect of changes in one industry on others and by consumers, government, and foreign suppliers on the economy. This model, if… … Wikipedia
Two-port network — A Two Port Network (or four terminal network or quadripole) is an electrical circuit or device with two pairs of terminals (i.e., the circuit connects two dipoles). Two terminals constitute a port if they satisfy the essential requirement known… … Wikipedia
Control table — This simple control table directs program flow according to the value of the single input variable. Each table entry holds a possible input value to be tested for equality (implied) and a relevant subroutine to perform in the action column. The… … Wikipedia
State transition table — In automata theory and sequential logic, a state transition table is a table showing what state (or states in the case of a nondeterministic finite automaton) a finite semiautomaton or finite state machine will move to, based on the current state … Wikipedia
Truth table — A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that … Wikipedia
Cangjie input method — Traditional Chinese 倉頡輸入法 Simplified Chinese 仓颉输入法 Tran … Wikipedia
Lookup table — In computer science, a lookup table is a data structure, usually an array or associative array, often used to replace a runtime computation with a simpler array indexing operation. The savings in terms of processing time can be significant, since … Wikipedia
File Allocation Table — For other uses, see Fat (disambiguation). FAT Developer Microsoft Full Name File Allocation Table FAT12 (12‑bit version) FAT16/FAT16B (16‑bit versions) FAT32 (32‑bit version with 28 bits used) Introduced … Wikipedia
Parsing table — A parsing table is the part of a parser that makes decisions about how to treat input tokens in compiler development.: This page is about LR parsing tables, there are also LL parsing tables which are substantially different. Overview A parsing… … Wikipedia
Reversible Computing/3 input universal logic gates — Logic gates are used to build computer chips. Reversible logic gates are of interest because they could in principle generate useful results for less heat generated (Landauer 1961). The nand gate is universal among irreversible logic gates, in… … Wikipedia
Branch table — In computer programming, a branch table (sometimes known as a jump table) is a term used to describe an efficient method of transferring program control (branching) to another part of a program (or a different program that may have been… … Wikipedia