- two-faced
- ˈtu:ˈfeɪst прил.
1) двуликий Syn : bifacial
2) двуличный, лживый Syn : double-faced, double-dealing двуликий двуличный, лживый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Two-faced — may refer to:* Two Faced (song), a song by Quasi from their 1997 album R B Transmogrification *Diprosopus, an extremely rare congenital disorder whereby part or all of the face is duplicated on the head *Two Faced (band), a European music project … Wikipedia
Two-Faced — Album par Tankard Sortie fevrier 1994 Enregistrement 1994 Durée 52:52 Genre Thrash Metal Producteur Harris Johns … Wikipédia en Français
two-faced — adj informal changing what you say according to who you are talking to, in a way that is insincere and unpleasant used to show disapproval ▪ He s a two faced liar … Dictionary of contemporary English
two-faced — also two faced, deceitful, 1610s … Etymology dictionary
two-faced — Someone who is two faced will say one thing to your face and another when you re not there … The small dictionary of idiomes
two-faced — two′ faced adj. 1) having two faces 2) deceitful or hypocritical • Etymology: 1610–20 two′ fac ed•ly, adv. two′ fac ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang
two-faced — [to͞o′fāst΄] adj. 1. having two faces, surfaces, etc. 2. deceitful; hypocritical two facedly [to͞o΄fās′id lē] adv … English World dictionary
two-faced — index faithless, false (disloyal), machiavellian, recreant, tartuffish, undependable, unreliable … Law dictionary
two-faced — [ ,tu feıst ] adjective dishonest about your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, and tending to tell people whatever you think will please them … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
two-faced — [adj] deceitful artful, backstabbing, beguiling, crafty, cunning, deceiving, deceptive, dishonest, double dealing, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, hypocritical, insincere, knavish, lying, misleading, shifty, sly, sneaky, tricky, underhanded,… … New thesaurus
two-faced — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ insincere and deceitful … English terms dictionary