
двухэлектродный - two-electrode valve

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "two-electrode" в других словарях:

  • Two-electrode tube — Двухэлектродная лампа …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • electrode — /i lek trohd/, n. Elect. a conductor, not necessarily metallic, through which a current enters or leaves a nonmetallic medium, as an electrolytic cell, arc generator, vacuum tube, or gaseous discharge tube. [1825 35; ELECTR + ODE2] * * * Electric …   Universalium

  • Electrode — For other uses, see Electrode (disambiguation). Electrodes used in arc welding An electrode is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit (e.g. a semiconductor, an electrolyte or a …   Wikipedia

  • electrode — UK [ɪˈlektrəʊd] / US [ɪˈlekˌtroʊd] noun [countable] Word forms electrode : singular electrode plural electrodes chemistry a small metal or carbon object inside an electrical cell or a battery that electricity flows through. There are two… …   English dictionary

  • electrode — [[t]ɪle̱ktroʊd[/t]] electrodes N COUNT An electrode is a small piece of metal or other substance that is used to take an electric current to or from a source of power, a piece of equipment, or a living body. Two electrodes which measure changes… …   English dictionary

  • electrode — 1. Device to record one of the two extremities of an electric circuit; one of the two poles of an electric battery or of the end of the conductors connected thereto. 2. An electrical terminal specialized for a particular electrochemical reaction …   Medical dictionary

  • electrode — noun (C) one of the two points at which electricity enters or leaves a battery 1 (1) or other piece of electrical equipment: fuel cells with two electrodes …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • electrode — e|lec|trode [ ı lek,troud ] noun count a small metal object that allows electricity to flow through it. In most types of electrical equipment, there are two electrodes, one positive and one negative …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Standard electrode potential — In electrochemistry, the standard electrode potential, abbreviated Eo, E0, or EO (with a superscript plimsoll character, pronounced nought), is the measure of individual potential of a reversible electrode (at equilibrium) at standard state,… …   Wikipedia

  • Auxiliary electrode — The Auxiliary electrode, often also called the counter electrode, is an electrode used in a three electrode electrochemical cell for voltammetric analysis or other reactions in which an electrical current is expected to flow.[1][2][3] The… …   Wikipedia

  • Glass electrode — A glass electrode is a type of ion selective electrode made of a doped glass membrane that is sensitive to a specific ion. It is an important part of the instrumentation for chemical analysis and physico chemical studies. In modern practice,… …   Wikipedia

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