- two-dimensional tesselation
- мат. двумерные соты
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Voronoi diagram — The Voronoi diagram of a random set of points in the plane (all points lie within the image). In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a special kind of decomposition of a given space, e.g., a metric space, determined by distances to a specified… … Wikipedia
Block cellular automaton — The Margolus neighborhood for a two dimensional block cellular automaton. The partition of the cells alternates between the set of 2 × 2 blocks indicated by the solid blue lines, and the set of blocks indicated by the dashed red lines. A block… … Wikipedia
3D modeling — This article is about computer modeling within an artistic medium. For scientific usage, see Computer simulation. 3D computer graphics … Wikipedia
Triangle group — In mathematics, a triangle group is a group that can be realized geometrically by sequences of reflections across the sides of a triangle. The triangle can be an ordinary Euclidean triangle, a triangle on the sphere, or a hyperbolic triangle.… … Wikipedia
K-means algorithm — The k means algorithm is an algorithm to cluster n objects based on attributes into k partitions, k < n. It is similar to the expectation maximization algorithm for mixtures of Gaussians in that they both attempt to find the centers of natural… … Wikipedia
Packing problem — Part of a series on Puzzles … Wikipedia
Direct3D — is part of Microsoft s DirectX API. Direct3D is only available for Microsoft s various Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and above) and is the base for the graphics API on the Xbox and Xbox 360 console systems. Direct3D is used to render… … Wikipedia
Microsoft Direct3D — Direct3D is part of Microsoft s DirectX application programming interface (API). Direct3D is available for Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and above), and for other platforms through the open source software Wine. It is the base… … Wikipedia
Koch snowflake — The first four iterations of the Koch snowflake The first seven iterations in animation … Wikipedia
SL2(R) — In mathematics, the special linear group SL2(R) is the group of all real 2 times; 2 matrices with determinant one:: mbox{SL} 2(mathbb{R}) = left{ egin{bmatrix}a b c dend{bmatrix} : a,b,c,dinmathbb{R}mbox{ and }ad bc=1 ight}.It is a real Lie… … Wikipedia
Rendering (computer graphics) — Not to be confused with 3D rendering. A variety of rendering techniques applied to a single 3D scene … Wikipedia