- two-component spinor
- мат. двухкомпонентный спинор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
two-component spinor — dvisandis spinorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. two component spinor vok. zweikomponentiger Spinor, m rus. двухкомпонентный спинор, m pranc. spineur à deux composantes, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spinor — ˈspinər, ˌnȯ(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: spin (I) + or : a quantity that resembles a vector with complex components in two or four dimensional space with complex coordinates and that is used especially in the mathematics of the theory of relativity … Useful english dictionary
Spinor — In mathematics and physics, in particular in the theory of the orthogonal groups (such as the rotation or the Lorentz groups), spinors are elements of a complex vector space introduced to expand the notion of spatial vector. Unlike tensors, the… … Wikipedia
zweikomponentiger Spinor — dvisandis spinorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. two component spinor vok. zweikomponentiger Spinor, m rus. двухкомпонентный спинор, m pranc. spineur à deux composantes, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Spinor bundle — In mathematics and theoretical physics, spinors are certain geometric entities bound up with physical theories of spin , and the mathematics of Clifford algebras, that in a sense are kinds of twisted tensors. From a geometric point of view,… … Wikipedia
Spin (physics) — This article is about spin in quantum mechanics. For rotation in classical mechanics, see angular momentum. In quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is a fundamental characteristic property of elementary particles, composite particles… … Wikipedia
Pauli equation — The Pauli Equation, also known as the Schrödinger Pauli equation, is the formulation of the Schrödinger equation for spin one half particles which takes into account the interaction of the particle s spin with the electromagnetic field. It is the … Wikipedia
Spin-½ — In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic property of all elementary particles. Fermions, the particles that constitute ordinary matter, have half integer spin. Spin ½ particles constitute an important subset of such fermions. All known… … Wikipedia
Supersymmetric gauge theory — mathcal{N}=1 SUSY in 4D (with 4 real generators) = In theoretical physics, one often analyzes theories with supersymmetry which also haveinternal gauge symmetries. So, it is important to come up with a supersymmetric generalizationof gauge… … Wikipedia
Van der Waerden notation — In theoretical physics, van der Waerden notation refers to the usage of two component spinors i.e. Weyl spinors in four spacetime dimensions. This is standard in twistor theory and supersymmetry. See also * Bartel Leendert van der Waerden … Wikipedia
dvisandis spinorius — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. two component spinor vok. zweikomponentiger Spinor, m rus. двухкомпонентный спинор, m pranc. spineur à deux composantes, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas