Смотреть что такое "twittering" в других словарях:
Twittering — Twit ter*ing, n. 1. The act of one who, or that which, twitters. [1913 Webster] 2. A slight nervous excitement or agitation, such as is caused by desire, expectation, or suspense. [1913 Webster] A widow, who had a twittering towards a second… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twittering — Twitter Twit ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Twittered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Twittering}.] [OE. twiteren; of imitative origin; cf. G. zwitschern, OHG. zwizzir?n, D. kwetteren, Sw. qwitra, Dan. quiddre. Cf. {Titter}.] 1. To make a succession of small,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twittering Machine — For other uses, see Zwitschermaschine. Twittering Machine Artist Paul Klee Year 1922 Type Watercolor and ink; oil transfer on paper with gouache and in … Wikipedia
twittering — n. chirping noises; giggling or chattering; trembling out of excitement or agitation twit·ter || twɪtÉ™(r) n. rapid uttering of chirping noises; chatter; state of excitement, agitation v. rapidly utter chirping noises; giggle; chatter; tremble… … English contemporary dictionary
twittering — twittˈering noun and adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑twitter … Useful english dictionary
passeriform — /pas euhr euh fawrm , peuh ser euh /, adj. of or pertaining to the order Passeriformes; passerine. [ < NL Passeriformes, equiv. to L passer sparrow + iformes IFORMES] * * * ▪ bird Introduction also called passerine or perching bird any… … Universalium
twitter — [[t]twɪ̱tə(r)[/t]] twitters, twittering, twittered 1) VERB When birds twitter, they make a lot of short high pitched sounds. There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees. [V ing] ...a tree filled with twittering birds. N UNCOUNT: usu N of… … English dictionary
twitter — I. /ˈtwɪtə / (say twituh) verb (i) 1. to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird. 2. to titter; giggle. 3. to tremble with excitement or the like; be in a flutter. –verb (t) 4. to express or utter by twittering. –noun 5. the act… …
twitter — twitterer, n. twitteringly, adv. /twit euhr/, v.i. 1. to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird. 2. to talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter. 3. to titter; giggle. 4. to tremble with excitement or the like;… … Universalium
twitter — twit•ter [[t]ˈtwɪt ər[/t]] v. i. 1) to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird 2) to talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter 3) to titter; giggle 4) to tremble with excitement or the like; be in a flutter 5) to … From formal English to slang
atwitter — ə.+ adjective Etymology: a (I) + twitter, v. : nervously concerned atwitter … thinking of her among all those Indians Kenneth Roberts : excited, twittering Hollywood gossips atwitter with speculation Time … Useful english dictionary