twistor space

twistor space
мат. пространство твисторов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "twistor space" в других словарях:

  • Twistor space — In mathematics, twistor space is the complex vector space of solutions of the twistor equation . It was described in the 1960s by Roger Penrose and MacCallum[1]. According to Andrew Hodges, twistor space is useful for conceptualizing the way… …   Wikipedia

  • Twistor theory — The twistor theory, originally developed by Roger Penrose in 1967, is the mathematical theory which maps the geometric objects of the four dimensional space time (Minkowski space) into the geometric objects in the 4 dimensional complex space with …   Wikipedia

  • twistor — noun Any of the complex valued coordinates in twistor theory, which maps the geometric objects of conventional 3+1 space time into geometric objects in a four dimensional space, twistor space, with metric signature (2,2), a proposed path to a… …   Wiktionary

  • twistor — /twisˈtər/ (mathematics and physics) noun One of a number of complex variables representing the space time co ordinates, retaining their relevant symmetries twistor theory noun (physics) A theory, a candidate for the so called ‘theory of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • twistor theory — noun (physics) A theory, a candidate for the so called ‘theory of everything’, that attempts to describe the structure of space as eight dimensional, using complex numbers and particle spin, and with twistors as its building blocks • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Twistor-Theorie — Die Twistor Theorie ist ein Versuch, eine vereinheitlichte Theorie für die Gravitation und die Quantenfeldtheorie zu schaffen. Die grundlegenden Ideen der Twistor Theorie gehen ins Jahr 1967 zurück und wurden von dem britischen Mathematiker und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Twistor correspondence — In mathematical physics, the twistor correspondence is a natural isomorphism between massless Yang Mills fields on Minkowski space and sheaf cohomology classes on a real hypersurface of CP3 …   Wikipedia

  • Quaternion-Kähler symmetric space — In differential geometry, a quaternion Kähler symmetric space or Wolf space is a quaternion Kähler manifold which, as a Riemannian manifold, is a Riemannian symmetric space. Any quaternion Kähler symmetric space with positive Ricci curvature is… …   Wikipedia

  • Penrose , Sir Roger — (1931–) British mathematician and theoretical physicist Penrose, the son of the geneticist Lionel Penrose, was born at Colchester in Essex. He graduated from University College, London, and obtained his PhD in 1957 from Cambridge University.… …   Scientists

  • List of mathematics articles (T) — NOTOC T T duality T group T group (mathematics) T integration T norm T norm fuzzy logics T schema T square (fractal) T symmetry T table T theory T.C. Mits T1 space Table of bases Table of Clebsch Gordan coefficients Table of divisors Table of Lie …   Wikipedia

  • Quaternion-Kähler manifold — In differential geometry, a quaternion Kähler manifold (or quaternionic Kähler manifold) is a Riemannian manifold whose Riemannian holonomy group is a subgroup of Sp( n )·Sp(1). Another, more explicit, definition, uses a 3 dimensional subbundle H …   Wikipedia

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