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Смотреть что такое "twistedness" в других словарях:

  • List of Death Note characters — This is a list of fictional characters in the anime and manga series Death Note. The character names are listed in Western order, with the given name before the family name. The writer, Tsugumi Ohba, developed the basic character traits while… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 episodes — Mobile Suit Gundam 00 DVD Volume 1 released in Japan. This is a list of episodes from the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 00. The series premiered on October 6, 2007, replacing Toward the Terra on the terrestrial MBS and TBS networks, occupying… …   Wikipedia

  • Apartment (burlesque orchestra) — Apartment was a musical project formed in Chicago in 1997. Apartment helped to pioneer part of the queer dark cabaret movement in Chicago. It was started by Christine Heinisch and Caila Lipovsky. The schizoid and absurdist lyrics of Caila… …   Wikipedia

  • Todd Smith (Dog Fashion Disco) — Todd Smith, born in 1976 in Rockville, Maryland, was the lead singer and songwriter for the multi genre metal band Dog Fashion Disco. Smith contributed vocal and guitar work to the album The Exotic Sounds of the Alter Boys by the Ohio based band… …   Wikipedia

  • distortion — n 1. deformation, contortion, mis shapement, anamorphosis, anamorphism; wryness, crookedness, twistedness; asymmetry, disproportion, lopsidedness; deformity, curvature, bend, malformation. Path. kyphosis; disfigurement, defacement, mutilation. 2 …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • tortuosity — n 1. crookedness, twistedness, anfrac tuosity, sinuousness, tortuousness; sinuosity, curve, bend, turn, crook, twist, convolution; maze, labyrinth. 2. indirectness, circuitousness, ambagiousness, evasiveness, unstraightforwardness; deviousness,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • distortion — [n] deformity; falsification baloney*, bend, bias, BS*, buckle, coloring, contortion, crock, crookedness, exaggeration, intorsion, jazz*, jive*, lie, line, malconformation, malformation, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, misshape,… …   New thesaurus

  • tan´gler — tan|gle1 «TANG guhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.t. 1. to twist and twine together in a confused mass; jumble (threads); mat; knot; snarl: »The kitten had tangled the ball of twine. SYNONYM(S): entan …   Useful english dictionary

  • tan|gle — tan|gle1 «TANG guhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.t. 1. to twist and twine together in a confused mass; jumble (threads); mat; knot; snarl: »The kitten had tangled the ball of twine. SYNONYM(S): entan …   Useful english dictionary

  • tor|tu|os|i|ty — «TR chu OS uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. the quality or condition of being tortuous; twistedness; sinuosity. 2. a twisted or crooked part, passage, or thing. 3. a twist, bend or crook in something …   Useful english dictionary

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