twine around

twine around

1) обвивать to twine one's arms around the neck ≈ обвить шею руками, обнять to twine a rope around a post ≈ намотать веревку на столб
2) обвиваться the ivy twined around the tree ≈ плющ вился вокруг дерева

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "twine around" в других словарях:

  • twine — [[t]twa͟ɪn[/t]] twines, twining, twined 1) N UNCOUNT Twine is strong string used especially in gardening and farming. 2) V ERG If you twine one thing around another, or if one thing twines around another, the first thing is twisted or wound… …   English dictionary

  • twine — v. 1) (d; intr., refl.) to twine around, round (the vines twined around the tree) 2) (misc.) she has them twined around her little finger ( they will do anything she wants them to do ) * * * [twaɪn] round (the vines twined around the tree) (d;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • twine — Synonyms and related words: band, begird, belt, belt in, braid, brail, cable, cincture, circle, coil, contort, cord, corkscrew, crinkle, curl, encincture, encircle, engird, enlace, enmesh, ensphere, entangle, entwine, gird, girdle, interknit,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Twine — Twine, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Twined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Twining}.] [OE. twinen, fr. AS. tw[imac]n a twisted thread; akin to D. twijnen to twine, Icel. & Sw. tvinna, Dan. tvinde. See {Twine}, n.] 1. To twist together; to form by twisting or winding… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Twine — is a strong thread or string composed of two or more smaller strands or yarns twisted together. More generally, the term can be applied to any thin cord.Natural fibers used for making twine include cotton, sisal, jute, hemp, henequen, and coir. A …   Wikipedia

  • twine — (n.) O.E. twin double thread, from P.Gmc. *twizna (Cf. Du. twijn, Low Ger. twern, Ger. zwirn twine, thread ), from the same root as TWIN (Cf. twin) (q.v.). The verb meaning to twist strands together to form twine is recorded from late 13c.; sense …   Etymology dictionary

  • twine — [twīn] n. [ME twin < OE twin, twigin, double thread, akin to twegen, TWAIN] 1. strong thread, string, or cord of two or more strands twisted together 2. a twining or being twined 3. a twined thing or part; twist; convolution 4. a tangle; snarl …   English World dictionary

  • twine — twine1 [twaın] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: twin] strong string made by twisting together two or more threads or strings ▪ a bundle of papers tied up with twine twine 2 twine2 v [I and T] written to wind or twist around something else, or to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • twine — twine1 twineable, adj. twiner, n. /twuyn/, n., v., twined, twining. n. 1. a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together. 2. an act of twining, twisting, or interweaving. 3. a coiled or twisted object or part;… …   Universalium

  • twine — twine1 [ twaın ] noun uncount a type of strong string made by twisting several pieces of string together twine twine 2 [ twaın ] verb intransitive or transitive to twist, grow, or wind around something, or make something wind around something:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • twine — 1 noun (U) strong string made by twisting together two or more threads or strings: a bundle of papers tied up with twine 2 verb (I, T) to wind or twist around something else: twine sth around sth: She twined her fingers round the empty cup. (+… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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