Смотреть что такое "tweedle" в других словарях:
Tweedle — Twee dle, v. t. [Cf. {Twiddle}.] [Written also {twidle}.] 1. To handle lightly; said with reference to awkward fiddling; hence, to influence as if by fiddling; to coax; to allure. [1913 Webster] A fiddler brought in with him a body of lusty young … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tweedle — [twēd′ l] vi., vt. tweedled, tweedling [echoic of a reed pipe] 1. to pipe, sing, etc. shrilly 2. [infl. by WHEEDLE] to cajole or wheedle … English World dictionary
Tweedle — This surname recorded in a wide range of spellings including Tweedell, Tweedle, Twidale, Twydale, Twydell, and many other forms, is of Northern English and Scottish origin. It is a both a Border Reivers surname for someone who lived in the valley … Surnames reference
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum — «Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum» … Википедия
Tweedle Dee — [ Tweedle Dee by LaVern Baker ] Tweedlee Dee is a rhythm and blues novelty song with a Latin influenced riff written by Winfield Scott [cite web url= qandawithwinfieldscott.shtml title=Interview with… … Wikipedia
Tweedle-dee — noun a) A fictional little fat man who is the twin brother of Tweedle dum and appears in multiple artistic works, including certain nursery rhymes and Lewis Carrolls . Some ſay, compar’d to Bononcini, / That Mynheer Handel’s but a Ninny; / Others … Wiktionary
Tweedle-dum — noun a) A fictional little fat man who is the twin brother of Tweedle dee and appears in multiple artistic works, including certain nursery rhymes and Lewis Carrolls . Some ſay, compar’d to Bononcini, / That Mynheer Handel’s but a Ninny; / Others … Wiktionary
tweedle — /tweed l/, v., tweedled, tweedling. v.i. 1. to produce high pitched, modulated sounds, as a singer, bird, or musical instrument. 2. to perform lightly upon a musical instrument. v.t. 3. to lure by or as by music: The Pied Piper tweedled the… … Universalium
tweedle — verb (mistakenly?) to twiddle … Wiktionary
tweedle — Synonyms and related words: anthem, bagpipe, ballad, bay, beep, bell, blare, blast, blat, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, bray, bugle, carillon, carol, chant, cheep, chip, chipper, chirm, chirp, chirrup, chitter, choir, chorus, clarion, croon,… … Moby Thesaurus
tweedle — v. fiddle, fuss with; twist, coil; chirp, produce high pitched sounds; play lightly on a musical instrument; attract with music, lure with music … English contemporary dictionary