tuyere connection

tuyere connection
фурменный патрубок

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tuyere connection" в других словарях:

  • Pyrometer — An optical pyrometer A sailor checking the temperature of a ventilation s …   Wikipedia

  • Converting (metallurgy) — Converting is a term used to describe a number of metallurgical smelting processes. The most commercially important use of the term is in the treatment of molten metal sulfides to produce crude metal and slag, as in the case of copper and nickel… …   Wikipedia

  • Osmond process — Osmond iron (also spelt osmund and also called osborn) was wrought iron made by a particular process. This is associated with the first European production of cast iron in furnaces such as Lapphyttan in Sweden.[1] Osmonds appear in some of the… …   Wikipedia

  • steam pipe — Synonyms and related words: adjutage, burner, caliduct, catheter, cooker, cookery, drainpipe, efflux tube, element, fire hose, flue pipe, funnel, furnace, garden hose, gas jet, gas pipe, heater, heating duct, hose, hosepipe, jet, nipple, organ… …   Moby Thesaurus

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