- tux
- tʌks сокр. от tuxedo (разговорное) сокр от tuxedo (американизм) смокинг tux сокр. от tuxedo tux сокр. от tuxedo tuxedo: tuxedo (pl os, oes) амер. смокинг
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tux — is the official mascot of the Linux kernel. Originally created as an entry to a Linux logo competition, the image of the mascot is the most commonly used icon for Linux, used in many flavors showing Tux in one way or another. He is also used in… … Wikipedia
Tux — Tux … Википедия
Tux — vectorial de alta calidad. Tux, mascota de Slackware. Tux es el nombre de la mascota oficial de Linux. Creado por Larry Ewing en 199 … Wikipedia Español
Tux 2 — Tux Racer Tux Racer Capture d écran de Tux Racer Éditeur Sunspire Studios, Roxor Games, communautés Développeur Jasmin Patry, initialement … Wikipédia en Français
tux — tux; tux·e·do; pa·tux·ent; … English syllables
Tux — Shortened form of {tuxedo}. [informal] [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tux — es el nombre de la mascota oficial del kernel Linux. Tux es un pequeño pingüino de aspecto risueño. La idea de que la mascota de Linux fuera un pingüino provino del mismo Linus Torvalds, creador de Linux. Según se cuenta, cuando era niño le picó… … Enciclopedia Universal
Tux|e|do — or Tux|e|do «tuhk SEE doh», noun, plural dos or does. 1. a man s suit for semiformal evening wear, with a tailless coat, usually black with satin lapels. 2. the coat of such a suit; dinner coat or jacket. ╂[American English < earlier tuxedo… … Useful english dictionary
tux|e|do — or Tux|e|do «tuhk SEE doh», noun, plural dos or does. 1. a man s suit for semiformal evening wear, with a tailless coat, usually black with satin lapels. 2. the coat of such a suit; dinner coat or jacket. ╂[American English < earlier tuxedo… … Useful english dictionary
tux — [ tʌks ] noun count INFORMAL a TUXEDO … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tux — (n.) 1922, colloquial shortening of TUXEDO (Cf. tuxedo) … Etymology dictionary