- tussah
- чесуча, чесучовый туссор (шелк типа чесучи) индийский шелковичный червь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tussah — [ tysa ] n. m. • 1857; mot angl., altér. de tussar (→ tussor), hindoustani tasar ♦ Soie sauvage indienne produite par la chenille d un lépidoptère (bombyx de l ailante). Le tussah a un aspect scintillant. Étoffe de tussah. ⇒ tussor; shantung. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tussah — [tus′ə] n. [Hindi tasar < Sans tasara, lit., a shuttle, kind of silkworm] 1. an Asiatic silkworm (Antheraea paphia) that feeds on oak leaves and produces coarse, brownish silk filaments 2. a) this silk: in full tussah silk b) a fabric made… … English World dictionary
Tussah — Tus sah Tusseh Tus seh(t[u^]s s[.a]), n. [Also {tussa}, {tussar}, {tusser}, {tussur}, etc.] [Prob. fr. Hind. tasar a shuttle, Skr. tasara, trasara.] An undomesticated East Indian silkworn ({Anther[ae]a mylitta}), that feeds on the leaves of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tussah — (entrée créée par le supplément) (tu sâ) adj. invar. Soie tussah, sorte de soie. • Celui [le ver à soie du chêne] de l Inde donne la soie tussah, à laquelle les foulards de l Inde doivent, dit on, le mérite d être inusables, Journ. offic. 15… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
tussah — tus·sah s.f.inv. ES hindi {{wmetafile0}} TS tess. seta orientale prodotta dai bozzoli di un baco del genere Attacus (Attacus mylitta) caratterizzata dall irregolarità del filato {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1927. ETIMO: dall ingl. tussah, dall hindi… … Dizionario italiano
tussah — US var. of TUSSORE. * * * tussah, eh var. tusser, tussore … Useful english dictionary
Tussah silk — Tus sah silk [Probably fr. Hind. tasar a shuttle, Skr. tasara, trasara.] (a) A silk cloth made from the cocoons of a caterpillar other than the common silkworm, much used in Bengal and China. (b) The silk fiber itself. [Written also {tusseh silk} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tussah — or tussore noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu tasar Date: 1590 silk or silk fabric from the brownish fiber produced by larvae of some saturniid moths (as Antheraea paphia) … New Collegiate Dictionary
tussah — /tus euh/, n. 1. a tan silk from India. Cf. Shantung (def. 3). 2. the silkworm of an oriental moth of the genus Antheraea, as A. mylitta, that produces this silk. Also, tusseh, tusser /tus euhr/, tussor, tussore, tussur. Also called wild silk.… … Universalium
tussah — {{hw}}{{tussah}}{{/hw}}s. f. inv. Seta ricavata in Oriente da bozzoli di bachi selvatici … Enciclopedia di italiano
tussah — brownish silk fabric Fabric and Cloth … Phrontistery dictionary