
̈ɪtʌʃ I сущ. клык (лошади, собаки и т. п.) II межд. тьфу!, фу! клык (лошади и т. п.) небольшой бивень (индийского слона) (диалектизм) выступ на плужном лемехе ну-ну;
цыц! (выражает упрек, неодобрение, нетерпение, презрение или разочарование) - *! we have nothing to fear ну, ну, нечего бояться tush клык (лошади, собаки и т. п.) ~ int фу!, тьфу!

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tush" в других словарях:

  • Tush — Tush, interj. An exclamation indicating check, rebuke, or contempt; as, tush, tush! do not speak of it. [1913 Webster] Tush, say they, how should God perceive it? Bk. of Com. Prayer (Ps. lxxiii. 11). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tush — may mean:*A slang term for the buttocks *Any of the canine teeth of a horse *Tush, the Bats language of the Bats people, who originate from Tusheti *Tush (song), a song by ZZ Top from their album Fandango! *Tush, a song by Ghostface Killah from… …   Wikipedia

  • Tush — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Discografía 2.1 Álbum 2.2 Sencillos …   Wikipedia Español

  • tush — tush1 [tush] interj., n. [ME tussch] used to express impatience, reproof, contempt, etc. tush2 [tush] n. [ME tusch < OE tucs: see TUSK] 1. TUSK 2. any of the canine teeth of a horse tush3 …   English World dictionary

  • Tush — Tush, n. [OE. tusch, AS. tusc; akin to OFries. tusk, tusch, and probably to AS. t[=o][eth] tooth. See {Tooth}, and cf. {Tusk}.] A long, pointed tooth; a tusk; applied especially to certain teeth of horses. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tush|er|y — «TUHSH uhr ee», noun, plural er|ies. a style of writing, especially in historical novels, characterized by excessive use of affected archaisms and other expressions, such as “tush!”: »In this witty and urbane story, quite free from romantic… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tush — [tuʃ] n AmE informal [Date: 1900 2000; : Yiddish; Origin: toches] the part of your body that you sit on …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tush — chas·tush·ka; tal·tush·tun·tu·de; tush·ery; tush; cock·a·tush; tush·ie; tush·in; …   English syllables

  • tush — tush1 /tush/, interj. 1. (used as an exclamation of impatience, disdain, contempt, etc.) n. 2. an exclamation of tush! [1400 50; late ME] tush2 tushed, adj. /tush/, n …   Universalium

  • tush — I [[t]tʌʃ[/t]] interj. 1) (used as an exclamation of impatience, disdain, contempt, etc.) 2) an exclamation of “tush.” • Etymology: 1400–50 II tush [[t]tʌʃ[/t]] n. 1) zool. tusk 1) 2) dch one of the four canine teeth of the horse • Etymology: bef …   From formal English to slang

  • tush — tush1 [ tuʃ ] noun count INFORMAL the part of your body that you sit on tush tush 2 [ tʌʃ ] interjection OLD FASHIONED used for telling someone that what they are saying is nonsense …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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