- turps
- tə:ps разг.;
см. turpentine
1. (разговорное) скипидар turps разг. см. turpentine
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Turps — may refer to several things, primarily paint solvents:* Turpentine, or wood turpentine, the organic solvent derived from tree resin; it is a traditional solvent used by painters * Turps also refers to white spirit, which is a petroleum based… … Wikipedia
turps — [tʉrps] n. 〚/span> TURP(ENTINE) + s〛 Informal TURPENTINE * * * turps (tûrps) pl.n. Informal (used with a sing. verb) Turpentine. [Shortening and alteration … Universalium
turps — [tə:ps US tə:rps] n [U] BrE informal turpentine … Dictionary of contemporary English
turps — [ tɜrps ] noun uncount BRITISH INFORMAL TURPENTINE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
turps — ► NOUN informal ▪ turpentine … English terms dictionary
turps — [tʉrps] n. [< TURP(ENTINE) + s] Informal TURPENTINE … English World dictionary
turps — on the turps Drinking heavily. Turps is an abbreviation of turpentine and the phrase alludes to the use of spirits such as turps and methylated spirits ( metho ) by down and out alcoholics. In the earliest uses of the phrase the alcohol referred… … Australian idioms
turps — noun a) Turpentine or turpentine substitute. Generally, big nights on the turps take place in The Rocks and around Kings Cross where youll hear and smell the action pretty quickly. b) Any alcoholic drink. Crazy sessions on the turps were all part … Wiktionary
turps — /tɜps/ (say terps) Colloquial –noun 1. → turpentine (def. 4). –phrase 2. bash the turps, to drink alcoholic liquor to excess. 3. on the turps, drinking intoxicating liquor excessively. {turp(entine) + s3} …
turps — alcohol from turpentine. Probably Australian slang. After a couple of nights on the turps, Ivan s ability to concentrate on his work dwindled … Dictionary of american slang
turps — alcohol from turpentine. Probably Australian slang. After a couple of nights on the turps, Ivan s ability to concentrate on his work dwindled … Dictionary of american slang