turnround time

turnround time
время оборота (вагона)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "turnround time" в других словарях:

  • turnround turnaround — especially AmE noun (C) 1 the time it takes to receive something, deal with it and send it back, especially on a plane, ship etc: Some drivers are on a bonus for fast turnround and deliveries. see also: turn around turn 1 2 (usually singular) a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Hoverlloyd — operated a cross Channel hovercraft service between Ramsgate, England to Calais, France. It operated four SR N4 type hovercraft and was a rival to Seaspeed (owned by British Rail). Company ownershipThe origins of Hoverlloyd date back to 1964,… …   Wikipedia

  • Turnaround — Securities bought and sold for settlement on the same day. Also, when a firm that has been performing poorly changes its financial course and improves its performance. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * turnaround turn‧a‧round… …   Financial and business terms

  • turnaround — securities bought and sold for settlement on the same day. Also describes a firm that has been performing poorly, but changes its financial course and improves its performance. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * turnaround turn‧a‧round… …   Financial and business terms

  • Helmut Lang (fashion brand) — The Helmut Lang fashion brand was created by Austrian fashion designer Helmut Lang (born 1956) in 1986. Lang was known for his minimalist, deconstructivist, and often severe designs. The Helmut Lang brand still exists today, but has been carried… …   Wikipedia

  • Jeep problem — The jeep problem,[1] desert crossing problem[2] or exploration problem[3] is a mathematics problem in which a jeep must maximise the distance it can travel into a desert with a given quantity of fuel. The jeep can only carry a fixed and limited… …   Wikipedia

  • SS Great Eastern — The SS Great Eastern was an iron sailing steam ship designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. She was the largest ship ever built at the time of her 1858 launch, and had the capacity to carry 4,000 passengers around the world without refueling. Her… …   Wikipedia

  • management — the role of conducting and supervising a business. Glossary of Business Terms The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners business objectives. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • locomotive — locomotively, adv. locomotiveness, locomotivity, n. /loh keuh moh tiv/, n. 1. a self propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars. 2. an organized… …   Universalium

  • Port of Antwerp — | | | | |The Port of Antwerp is a port accessible to capesize ships in the heart of Europe. Antwerp stands at the upper end of the tidal estuary of the Scheldt. The estuary is navigable by ships of more than 100,000 Gross Tons as far as 80 km… …   Wikipedia

  • turnaround — noun 1. time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip • Syn: ↑turnaround time • Hypernyms: ↑work time 2. a decision to reverse an earlier decision • Syn: ↑reversal, ↑change of mind, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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