turn of faucet
Смотреть что такое "turn of faucet" в других словарях:
turn — turn1 [ tɜrn ] verb *** ▸ 1 change position ▸ 2 change direction ▸ 3 make circular movement ▸ 4 do/become something else ▸ 5 become particular age ▸ 6 move page to other side ▸ 7 about stomach ▸ 8 milk: become sour ▸ 9 affect game/fight ▸ 10… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
turn — [tʉrn] vt. [ME turnen < OE turnian & OFr turner, tourner, both < L tornare, to turn in a lathe, turn < tornus, lathe < Gr tornos, lathe, carpenter s compasses, akin to terein, to bore through: for IE base see THROW] I to cause to… … English World dictionary
faucet — noun (AmE) ⇨ See also ↑tap ADJECTIVE ▪ water ▪ cold water, hot water ▪ dripping, leaky ▪ She repaired a leaky faucet … Collocations dictionary
faucet — n. (AE) 1) to turn on a faucet 2) a faucet leaks 3) a leaky faucet (CE has tap) * * * [ fɔːsɪt] (AE) to turn on a faucet a faucet leaks a leaky faucet (CE has tap) … Combinatory dictionary
turn — turnable, adj. /terrn/, v.t. 1. to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel. 2. to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening: to turn a key; to turn the cap of a … Universalium
turn — [[t]tɜrn[/t]] v. t. 1) to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel[/ex] 2) to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening: to turn a key[/ex] 3) to reverse the… … From formal English to slang
turn on — phr verb Turn on is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑case, ↑spotlight Turn on is used with these nouns as the object: ↑appliance, ↑charm, ↑engine, ↑faucet, ↑fire, ↑gas, ↑glare, ↑headlights, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
turn off — 1. to kill Usually judicially by hanging, with imagery from a lamp rather than the turning tree, the gallows on which a corpse rotated: ... it gives a man a wonderful appetite for his breakfast to assist in turning off a dozen or more… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
turn off — phr verb Turn off is used with these nouns as the object: ↑alarm, ↑appliance, ↑cellphone, ↑engine, ↑faucet, ↑fire, ↑heat, ↑heater, ↑heating, ↑ignition, ↑lamp, ↑l … Collocations dictionary
faucet — fau|cet [ˈfo:sıt US ˈfo: ] n AmE [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: fausset something that closes a hole in a container , from Late Latin falsare to make false ] the thing that you turn on and off to control the flow of water from a pipe… … Dictionary of contemporary English
faucet — fau|cet [ fɔsıt ] noun count AMERICAN * a metal piece of equipment that you turn to control the flow of water or other liquid from a pipe, especially on a sink or bathtub. British tap … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English