- turbopump
- турбонасосный - turbopump assembly - turbopump injection (техническое) турбонасос
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Turbopump — As the name suggests, a turbopump comprises basically two main components: a rotodynamic pump and a driving turbine, both mounted on the same shaft. A turbopump can refer to either of two types of pumps either a centrifugal where the pumping is… … Wikipedia
turbopump — turbininis siurblys statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Siurblys, sudarytas iš turbinos (garo, dujų ir kt.) ir jos sukamų (dažnai per reduktorių) vieno arba kelių siurblių. Naudojamas energetiniuose įrenginiuose (pvz., elektrinėse kaip… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
turbopump — /terr boh pump /, n. a turbine driven pump, as one used to feed propellant to a rocket engine. [1900 05; TURBO + PUMP1] * * * … Universalium
turbopump — noun A device consisting of a pump and a turbine mounted on the same shaft … Wiktionary
turbopump — tur·bo·pump … English syllables
turbopump — ˈtərbōˌˌ noun Etymology: turbo + pump (I) : a pump that is driven by a turbine * * * /terr boh pump /, n. a turbine driven pump, as one used to feed propellant to a rocket engine. [1900 05; TURBO + PUMP1] … Useful english dictionary
Space Shuttle main engine — SSME redirect here. For the services field, see Service Science, Management and Engineering infobox rocket engine imsize=250 caption=Space Shuttle Main Engine test firing name=Space Shuttle Main Engine country of origin=United States manufacturer … Wikipedia
LE-7 — The LE 7 and it’s succeeding upgrade model the LE 7A are staged combustion cycle LH2/LOX liquid rocket engines produced in Japan for the H II series of launch vehicles. Design and production work was all done domestically in Japan, the first… … Wikipedia
Turbomolecular pump — A turbomolecular pump is a type of vacuum pump, superficially similar to a turbopump, used to obtain and maintain high vacuum. These pumps work on the principle that gas molecules can be given momentum in a desired direction by repeated collision … Wikipedia
F-1 (rocket engine) — The F 1 is a rocket engine developed by Rocketdyne and used in the Saturn V. Five F 1 engines were used in the S IC first stage of each Saturn V, which served as the main launch vehicle in the Apollo program. History The F 1 was originally… … Wikipedia
Gas generator — A gas generator usually refers to a propellant mixture, often similar to a solid rocket propellant, that burns to produce large volumes of gas. It is similar to a rocket propellant, but is usually designed to produce large volumes of cool gas,… … Wikipedia