

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "turbo-gas" в других словарях:

  • Turbo-electric — s. Turbo electric drives are used in some locomotives (gas turbines, e.g. with the first TGV) and ships (steam and sometimes gas turbines). The advantage of the turbo electric transmission is that it allows the adaptation of high speed turning… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas turbine — Microturbine redirects here. For turbines in electricity, see Small wind turbine. For turbines driven by the flow of gas, see Turbine. A typical axial flow gas turbine turbojet, the J85, sectioned for display. Flow is left to right, multistage… …   Wikipedia

  • Turbo generator — A turbo generator is a turbine directly connected to an electric generator for the generation of electric power. Large Steam powered turbo generators (steam turbine generators) provide the majority of the world s electricity and are also used by… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas turbine-electric locomotive — DescriptionIn a GTEL a turbine engine, similar to a turboshaft engine, drives an output shaft that is in turn attached to an electrical generator via a system of gears. This in turn powers the traction motors. In overall terms the system is very… …   Wikipedia

  • Turbo Assembler — El Turbo Assembler (TASM), un paquete ensamblador principalmente destinado a la plataforma del IBM PC y sus compatibles. Fue la oferta de Borland en el mercado de herramientas de programación en lenguaje ensamblador para la familia de los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • turbo train — ▪ transportation       high speed passenger train powered by a gas turbine engine similar to that used in jet aircraft. Unlike conventional trains, the turbo variety does not have a separate locomotive; its turbine power unit is small enough to… …   Universalium

  • Turbo timer — A turbo timer is a device designed to keep an automotive engine running for a pre specified period of time in order to automatically execute the cool down period required to prevent premature turbo wear and failure. After a period of driving when …   Wikipedia

  • Turbo-compound engine — A Turbo compound engine is a reciprocating engine that employs a blowdown turbine to recover energy from the exhaust gases. The turbine is usually mechanically connected to the crankshaft but electric and hydraulic systems have been investigated… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas Turbine Ship — Eine Gasturbine GE LM2500 im Maschinenraum der USS Ford Ein Gasturbinenschiff (Internationaler Präfix: GTS, von englisch: Gas Turbine Ship) ist ein Spezialfall des Turbinenschiffes, nämlich ein Schiff, deren Hauptantrieb durch eine oder mehrere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Turbo-Prop — Turboprop (komb. aus: Turbine u. Propeller) ist eine landläufige Bezeichnung für Propellerturbinenluftstrahltriebwerk (auch als PTL bezeichnet). Flugzeuge mit diesem Triebwerk sind auf Fluggeschwindigkeiten bis um 80 Prozent der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MAN Diesel & Turbo — SE Rechtsform SE ISIN DE0005937007 Gründung 2010 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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