tuppence — uppence n. 1. [contraction from two pence.] a former U.K. silver coin; a U.K. bronze decimal coin worth two pennies. coin Syn: twopence [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tuppence — (n.) mid 15c., to pens, representing the common pronunciation of twopence (see TWO (Cf. two) + PENCE (Cf. pence)) … Etymology dictionary
tuppence — [tup′əns] n. alt. sp. of TWOPENCE … English World dictionary
tuppence — A variant spelling of ‘two pence’, representing the normal pronunciation of those words when they describe a sum of money. British speakers still talk about ‘not caring tuppence’ whether something happens or not, using tuppence to mean ‘Very… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
tuppence — noun Two pence (in pre or post decimalisation currency). Milk has gone up to tuppence hapenny a pint … Wiktionary
tuppence — tup|pence [ˈtʌpəns] n [U] BrE 1.) an amount of money worth two pence 2.) not care/give tuppence to not care at all about someone or something … Dictionary of contemporary English
tuppence — [[t]tʌ̱pəns[/t]] N UNCOUNT In Britain, tuppence was two old pence. [INFORMAL] … English dictionary
tuppence — twopence (British) two·pence || tÊŒpÉ™ns n. two pennies (also tuppence) … English contemporary dictionary
tuppence — n. Brit. = TWOPENCE. Etymology: phonet. spelling * * * tuppence, pens see twopence … Useful english dictionary
Tuppence Middleton — (* 21. Februar 1987 in Bristol) ist eine britische Schauspielerin. Karriere Nach ihrem Auftritt im Film Tormented wurde Middleton als eine der besten aufstrebenden Schauspielerinnen Großbritanniens angesehen. Sie spielt dort die Schülersprecherin … Deutsch Wikipedia
tuppence worth — noun a) Two pennys worth. I bought a tuppence worth of humbugs b) Ones opinion or thoughts. Thats just my tuppenceworth; you can believe what you like. Syn: two cents, two cents worth … Wiktionary