
ˈtju:nɪk сущ.
1) блузка или жакет (обыкн. с поясом)
2) туника (древнеримская одежда - белая шерстяная или льняная рубаха с короткими рукавами)
3) воен. китель;
4) биол. оболочка;
покров жакетка или блузка (обыкн. с поясом) (военное) китель;
гимнастерка туника (ботаника) (зоология) оболочка, покров tunic блузка или жакет (обыкн. с поясом) ~ воен. китель;
мундир ~ биол. оболочка;
покров ~ туника tunica: tunica = tunic

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tunic" в других словарях:

  • Tunic — • A vestment shaped like a sack, which has in the closed upper part only a slit for putting the garment over the head, and, on the sides, either sleeves or slits through which the arms can be passed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Tunic — Tu nic, n. [L. tunica: cf. F. tunique.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) An under garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. It was made with or without sleeves, reached to or below the knees, and was confined at the waist by a girdle.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tunic — (n.) c.1600, from M.Fr. tunique, from L. tunica (Cf. Sp. tunica, It. tonica, O.E. tunece, O.H.G. tunihha), probably from a Semitic source (Cf. Heb. kuttoneth coat, Aramaic kittuna) …   Etymology dictionary

  • tunic — ► NOUN 1) a loose sleeveless garment reaching to the thigh or knees. 2) a close fitting short coat worn as part of a uniform. ORIGIN Latin tunica …   English terms dictionary

  • tunic — [to͞o′nik, tyo͞o′nik] n. [L tunica < * ktunica, of Sem orig. (prob. via Punic), as in Aram ktūnā, Phoen ktn, garment worn next to the skin (> Gr chitōn)] 1. a loose, gownlike garment worn by men and women in ancient Greece and Rome 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Tunic — A tunic is any of several types of clothing for the body, with or without sleeves, and of various lengths reaching from the hips to the ankles. The name derives from the Latin tunica commonly worn by both men and women in Ancient Rome, which in… …   Wikipedia

  • tunic — UK [ˈtjuːnɪk] / US [ˈtunɪk] noun [countable] Word forms tunic : singular tunic plural tunics 1) a) a long loose shirt, usually worn by women b) a long loose piece of clothing with a belt and no sleeves, worn by people in ancient times 2) a short… …   English dictionary

  • tunic — noun Etymology: Old English tunice, from Latin tunica, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew kuttōneth coat Date: 12th century 1. a. a simple slip on garment made with or without sleeves and usually knee length or longer, belted at the waist, and… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tunic — /tooh nik, tyooh /, n. 1. Chiefly Brit. a coat worn as part of a military or other uniform. 2. a gownlike outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes belted, worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans. 3. a woman s upper garment, either loose …   Universalium

  • tunic — [[t]tju͟ːnɪk, AM tu͟ː [/t]] tunics N COUNT A tunic is a sleeveless garment that is worn on the top part of your body …   English dictionary

  • Tunic — 9th to early 14th century men s clothing, fitted at the shoulders, widening at the hips. Similar to women s kyrtle. The hem reaches to the upper thigh. Sleeves were varied fitted at the forearm, or mutton sleeve, most popularly bat wing. The… …   Medieval glossary

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