tuck away

tuck away

1) убирать;
засовывать, прятать The papers were all tucked away behind the books. ≈ Все бумаги были спрятаны за книгами.
2) припрятывать;
сберегать to tuck away millionsнакопить миллионы
3) разг. есть, уплетать You should see the amount of food that boy can tuck away in one meal! ≈ Нужно было видеть, сколько еды мальчик должен был съесть за один присест. убирать;
засовывать, прятать - the bedclothes were tucked away to convert the bedroom into a modest living room постели куда-то запихивались, и спальня превращалась в скромную гостиную припрятывать;
сберегать - to * millions накопить миллионы (разговорное) есть, уплетать;
"убирать", "сметать"

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tuck away" в других словарях:

  • tuck away — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms tuck away : present tense I/you/we/they tuck away he/she/it tucks away present participle tucking away past tense tucked away past participle tucked away 1) to put something in a place where it is not easy to… …   English dictionary

  • tuck away — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you tuck away something such as money, you store it in a safe place. [V P n (not pron)] The extra income has meant Phillippa can tuck away the rent... [V n P] I tucked the box away in the linen drawer. Syn: stash away 2)… …   English dictionary

  • tuck away — verb eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food My son tucked in a whole pizza • Syn: ↑tuck in, ↑put away • Hypernyms: ↑eat up, ↑finish, ↑polish off • …   Useful english dictionary

  • tuck away — hide away, conceal; eat a lot, gobble up food …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tuck away —    /under    to kill or inter    Describing natural or unnatural death, with imagery from bedtime:     He was going to be quietly tucked away in earth at the frontier station after dark. (G. Greene, 1932)     After me poor old man was tucked… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Tuck away — 1. imprison; 2. store, save; 3. eat or drink heartily or greedily …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • tuck away — Australian Slang 1. imprison; 2. store, save; 3. eat or drink heartily or greedily …   English dialects glossary

  • tuck-away — …   Useful english dictionary

  • tuck — tuck1 [tuk] vt. [ME tuken < MDu tucken, to tuck & OE tucian, to ill treat, lit., to tug, akin to Ger zucken, to jerk: for IE base see TUG] 1. to pull up or gather up in a fold or folds; draw together so as to make shorter [to tuck up one s… …   English World dictionary

  • tuck — ► VERB 1) push, fold, or turn under or between two surfaces. 2) draw (part of one s body) together into a small space. 3) (often tuck away) store in a secure or secret place. 4) (tuck in/up) settle (someone) in bed by pulling the edges of the… …   English terms dictionary

  • tuck — tuck1 [tʌk] v [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: tuck to stretch cloth over hooks, pull (13 19 centuries), from Old English tucian to treat badly, punish, criticize angrily ] 1.) [T always + adverb/preposition] to push something, especially the edge of a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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