tubing rollers
Смотреть что такое "tubing rollers" в других словарях:
оправка для насосно-компрессорных труб — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN tubing rollers … Справочник технического переводчика
Peristaltic pump — A peristaltic pump is a type of positive displacement pump used for pumping a variety of fluids. The fluid is contained within a flexible tube fitted inside a circular pump casing (though linear peristaltic pumps have been made). A rotor with a… … Wikipedia
Pipe (fluid conveyance) — For structural pipe, see Hollow structural section. For other uses, see Pipe (disambiguation). Steel pipes … Wikipedia
Tube bending — Bent tubing Shown is a trombone, it displays some U bends Tub … Wikipedia
Pipe (material) — A pipe is a tube or hollow cylinder used to convey materials or as a structural component. The terms pipe and tube are almost interchangeable. A pipe is generally specified by the internal diameter (ID) whereas a tube is usually defined by the… … Wikipedia
Water gun — A water gun (or water pistol, squirt gun, or water blaster) is a type of toy designed to shoot water. Together with water balloons, these devices are the primary tools used to soak another during a water warfare game. Historically, water guns… … Wikipedia
Science and invention in Birmingham — Birmingham is the second largest city in the United Kingdom. It is one of the country s principal industrial centres and has an impressive history of industrial and scientific innovation.16th century1547: Although no record is kept to indicate… … Wikipedia
Structural shape rolling — is a metalworking forming process in which structural shapes are passed through rollers to bend or deform the workpiece to a desired shape, while maintaining a constant cross section.It is a cost effective way of bending this kind of material… … Wikipedia
Plastics extrusion — Cross section of a plastic extruder to show the screw Plastics extrusion is a high volume manufacturing process in which raw plastic material is melted and formed into a continuous profile. Extrusion produces items such as pipe/tubing, weather… … Wikipedia
Rotary piercing — is a hot working metalworking process for forming thick walled seamless tubing. There are two types: the Mannesmann process and Stiefel process. Mannesmann process A schematic of rotary piercing. Key: 1. Roller configuration 2. The process starts … Wikipedia
Swaging — ( /ˈsweɪ … Wikipedia