tube turn

tube turn
U-образное трубное колено

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tube turn" в других словарях:

  • Tube Alloys — was the code name for the British nuclear weapon directorate during World War II, when the very possibility of nuclear weapons was kept at such a high level of secrecy that it had to be referred to by code even in the highest circles of… …   Wikipedia

  • Tube de l'ete — Tube de l été La dénomination tube de l’été est utilisée par les médias pour désigner, parmi les tubes de la saison estivale, celui qui a fait danser le plus les gens : c est un concept marketing. Il s agit le plus souvent de musiques… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Turn coordinator — The turn coordinator is an aircraft instrument which displays to a pilot information about the rate of yaw (turn), rate of roll, and the quality or coordination of the turn. The turn coordinator was developed to replace the older turn and bank… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn indicator — A Turn Indicator is an aircraft flight instrument that shows the rate of turn. It is used by the pilot to maintain control when flying under Instrument flight rules.Attitude and heading indicators function on the principle ofrigidity, but rate… …   Wikipedia

  • Tube socket — Left to right: octal (top and bottom view), loctal, and miniature (top and side view) sockets. An early transistor socket and an IC socket are included for comparison. Tube sockets are electrical sockets into which vacuum tubes (also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Tube cleaning — The process of tube cleaning describes the activity of, or device for, the cleaning and maintenance of fouled tubes. The need for cleaning arises because the that is transported through the tubes may cause deposits and finally even obstructions.… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn Back Time — Infobox Single Name = Turn Back Time Artist = Aqua from Album = Aquarium Genre = Pop Released = 1998 Recorded = 1997 Format = CD single, Cassette, 12 Length = 4:08/4:10 Label = MCA Writer(s) = Claus Noréen (primarily), Søren Rasted Producer(s) =… …   Wikipedia

  • Tube Rescue — In IRB racing, Tube Rescue is a competitive event that simulates the act of rescuing a patient with the use of a flexible foam rescue tube.It consists of a driver, crewperson, and patient. In this race, two buoy s are positioned 25 metres apart… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn and bank indicator — In aviation, the turn and bank indicator shows the rate of turn and the coordination (slip or skid) of the turn. The rate of turn is indicated from a rate gyroscopically and the coordination of the turn is shown by either a pendulum or a heavy… …   Wikipedia

  • tube — n 1. the Tube the London Underground rail way system, from the tubular construc tion of the tunnels. This nickname dates from the turn of the 20th century. 2. the hollow formed by a breaking wave. A surfer s term from which the term of… …   Contemporary slang

  • turn and slip indicator — An instrument that indicates the rate of turn and the amount of slip to either side. The rate of turn portion uses a rate gyro. The slip is shown by a ball immersed in a liquid in a curved tube. In a balanced turn, the ball remains in the center …   Aviation dictionary

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