tube railroad

tube railroad

1. подземная железная дорога
2. метрополитен, метро

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tube railroad" в других словарях:

  • tube´like´ — tube «toob, tyoob», noun, verb, tubed, tub|ing. –n. 1. a long pipe of metal, glass, rubber, plastic, or other material. Tubes are used especially to carry or contain a liquid or gas. 2. a small cylinder of thin, easily bent metal with a cap that… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tube — [to͞ob, tyo͞ob] n. [Fr < L tubus, a pipe] 1. a) a hollow cylinder or pipe of metal, glass, rubber, etc., usually long in proportion to its diameter, used for conveying fluids, etc. b) an instrument, part, organ, etc. resembling a tube… …   English World dictionary

  • Tube railway — Tube rail way, n. an electrically powered railroad with tracks running through a tunnel underground; a subway. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • railroad — [n] train line elevated railway, line, metro, monorail, rail line, railway, streetcar line, subway, tracks, trolley line, tube, underground railway; concepts 155,503 …   New thesaurus

  • tube — Synonyms and related words: Amtrak, L, Photronic cell, adjutage, amplifier, anode, attenuator, audio frequency tube, baggage train, ballast regulator, ballast tube, barrel, base, beam switching tube, bole, branch, cable railroad, cable railway,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • tube — tubeless, adj. tubelike, adj. /toohb, tyoohb/, n., v., tubed, tubing. n. 1. a hollow, usually cylindrical body of metal, glass, rubber, or other material, used esp. for conveying or containing liquids or gases. 2. a small, collapsible, cylinder… …   Universalium

  • tube — [[t]tub, tyub[/t]] n. v. tubed, tub•ing 1) a hollow, usu. cylindrical body of metal, glass, rubber, etc., used esp. for conveying or containing liquids or gases 2) a small collapsible cylinder of metal or plastic sealed at one end and having a… …   From formal English to slang

  • railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… …   Universalium

  • railroad — n 1. track or tracks, train tracks, rails, Railroads. switchback. 2. rail, line, railway, tramway; funicular or funicular railway, cable railway, elevated railroad, el; Fr. chemin de fer, Sp. ferrocarril, It. ferrovia, Ger. Eisen bahn; electric… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • railroad line — noun line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight • Syn: ↑railway, ↑railroad, ↑railway line, ↑railway system • Derivationally related forms: ↑railroad… …   Useful english dictionary

  • railroad — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. railway; main or trunk line, spur; model railroad; tramline, tramway, trolley or streetcar line, street railway, subway. See transportation. v., informal, rush or push through, expedite; slang, frame …   English dictionary for students

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