tube fuse
Смотреть что такое "tube fuse" в других словарях:
tube fuse — vamzdinis saugiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. tube fuse; tubular fuse vok. Rohrsicherung, f rus. трубчатый предохранитель, m pranc. coupe circuit à cartouche, m; coupe circuit à tube, m; coupe circuit cylindrique, m; coupe… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
tube fuse — vamzdinis lydusis saugiklis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. tube fuse; tubular fuse vok. Rohrsicherung, f rus. трубчатый плавкий предохранитель, m pranc. fusible tubulaire, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Fuse (electrical) — A miniature time delay fuse used to protect electronic equipment, rated 0.3 amperes at 250 volts. 1.25 inches (about 32 mm) long … Wikipedia
fuse — fuse1 [fyo͞oz] vt., vi. fused, fusing [< L fusus, pp. of fundere, to pour out, shed: see FOUND3] 1. to melt or to join by melting, as metals 2. to unite as if by melting together; blend SYN. MIX fuse2 [fyo͞oz] … English World dictionary
Fuse TV — Launched 1994 (As MMUSA) May 19, 2003 (As Fuse) Owned by Madison Square Garden, Inc. (since 2010) Picture format 480i (SDTV) 1080i (HDTV) Slogan … Wikipedia
Fuse — Fuse, n. [For fusee, fusil. See 2d {Fusil}.] (Gunnery, Mining, etc.) 1. A tube or casing filled with combustible matter, by means of which a charge of powder is ignited, as in blasting; called also {fuzee}. See {Fuze}. [1913 Webster] {Fuse hole} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fuse hole — Fuse Fuse, n. [For fusee, fusil. See 2d {Fusil}.] (Gunnery, Mining, etc.) 1. A tube or casing filled with combustible matter, by means of which a charge of powder is ignited, as in blasting; called also {fuzee}. See {Fuze}. [1913 Webster] {Fuse… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fuse cutout — Cutout (left) attached to a feeder line (connection at the right not shown). The lower wire goes to the transformer. In electrical distribution, a fuse cutout or cut out fuse is a combination of a fuse and a switch, used in primary overhead… … Wikipedia
Fuse (explosives) — In an explosive, pyrotechnic device or military munition, a fuse (or fuze) is the part of the device that initiates function. In common usage, the word fuse is used indiscriminately. However, when being specific (and in particular in a military… … Wikipedia
fuse — I n. tube, wick used to set off an explosive charge 1) to light a fuse 2) a slow fuse (also fig.) II n. safety device 1) to blow, blow out (esp. AE) a fuse 2) to change a fuse 3) a safety fuse 4) a fuse blows, blows out (esp. AE) 5) (misc … Combinatory dictionary
fuse — fuse1 fuseless, adj. fuselike, adj. /fyoohz/, n., v., fused, fusing. n. 1. a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive. 2. fuze (def. 1). 3. have a short fuse, Informal. to anger easily; have… … Universalium