truth number
Смотреть что такое "truth number" в других словарях:
Truth in Science — is a United Kingdom based organization which promotes the Teach the Controversy campaign. [ Teaching the controversy is, of course, also related to the required teaching on Variation, inheritance and evolution under topic Sc2 Life processes and… … Wikipedia
Truth function — Truth functional redirects here, for the truth functional conditional, see Material conditional. In mathematical logic, a truth function is a function from a set of truth values to truth values. Classically the domain and range of a truth… … Wikipedia
Truth-conditional semantics — is an approach to semantics of natural language that sees the meaning of a sentence being the same as, or reducible to, the truth conditions of that sentence. This approach to semantics is principally associated with Donald Davidson, and carries… … Wikipedia
Truth in sentencing — (TIS) is a collection of different but related public policy stances on sentencing of those convicted of crimes in the justice system. In most contexts truth in sentencing refers to policies and legislation that aim to abolish or curb parole, so… … Wikipedia
Number One (Babylon 5) — Number One/Theresa Holloran Babylon 5 character Tessa Holloran, aka Number One First appearance Racing Mars … Wikipedia
Number Four (Battlestar Galactica) — Number Four Battlestar Galactica character First appearance The Farm … Wikipedia
Number the Stars — Author(s) Lois Lowry Country … Wikipedia
Truth Wins Out — (abbreviated TWO) is an organization formed by Wayne Besen to counteract what it refers to as the ex gay myth. TWO states that religious groups claiming that they have cured individuals of homosexuality are a hoax, and in fact, dangerous to… … Wikipedia
Truth in Lending Act — (TILA) A federal law that requires lenders to disclose the true cost of credit transactions by providing certain information to borrowers, including the terms of a loan, interest rates, and the number, amount, and due dates of all payments… … Law dictionary
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (South Korea) — South Korea s Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( ko. 진실·화해를 위한 과거사 정리 위원회) is a commission established on December 1, 2005, to investigate historical incidents in Korean history, such as the Japanese rule of Korea. The body has investigated… … Wikipedia
Truth — For other uses, see Truth (disambiguation). Time Saving Truth from Falsehood and Envy, François Lemoyne, 1737 Truth has a variety of meanings, such as the state of being in accord with fact or reality … Wikipedia