truncated solid
Смотреть что такое "truncated solid" в других словарях:
Truncated octahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 14, E = 36, V = 24 (χ = 2) Faces by sides 6 … Wikipedia
Truncated icosidodecahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 62, E = 180, V = 120 (χ = 2) Faces by sides … Wikipedia
Truncated cuboctahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 26, E = 72, V = 48 (χ = 2) Faces by sides … Wikipedia
truncated — [truŋ′kāt΄id, trun′kāt΄id] adj. 1. cut short or appearing as if cut short 2. a) cut off or replaced by a plane face: said of the angles or edges of a crystal or solid figure b) having its angles or edges cut off or replaced in this way: said of… … English World dictionary
Truncated 24-cell — 24 cell … Wikipedia
Truncated 5-cell — 5 cell … Wikipedia
Truncated icosahedron — The truncated icosahedron is an Archimedean solid. It comprises 12 regular pentagonal faces, 20 regular hexagonal faces, 60 vertices and 90 edges. Construction This polyhedron can be constructed from an icosahedron with the 12 vertices truncated… … Wikipedia
Truncated tetrahedral prism — In geometry, a truncated tetrahedral prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four dimensional polytope). This polychoron has 10 polyhedral cells: 2 truncated tetrahedra connected by 4 triangular prisms and 4 hexagonal prisms. It has 24 faces: 8… … Wikipedia
Truncated trapezohedron — An n agonal truncated trapezohedron is a polyhedron formed by a n agonal trapezohedron with n agonal pyramids truncated from its two polar axis vertices.The vertices exist as 4 n agons in four parallel planes, with alternating orientation in the… … Wikipedia
Truncated cube — The truncated cube, or truncated hexahedron, is an Archimedean solid. It has 6 regular octagonal faces, 8 regular triangular faces, 24 vertices and 36 edges. Area and volume The area A and the volume V of a truncated cube of edge length a are::A … Wikipedia
Truncated tetrahedron — The truncated tetrahedron is an Archimedean solid. It has 4 regular hexagonal faces, 4 regular triangular faces, 12 vertices and 18 edges. Area and volume The area A and the volume V of a truncated tetrahedron of edge length a are::A =… … Wikipedia