trot out — (someone/something) to bring someone or something to the attention of others, so they can see or admire it. The military trotted out all their experts to testify for the new weapons system. She trotted her espresso machine out this morning and… … New idioms dictionary
trot out — [v] bring forward brandish, bring up, come out with, display, disport, drag up, exhibit, expose, flash, flaunt, parade, recite, rehearse, reiterate, relate, repeat, represent, show, show off; concept 138 Ant. conceal, hide … New thesaurus
trot out — verb bring out and show for inspection and admiration (Freq. 1) His novel trots out a rich heiress always able to trot out some new excuse • Hypernyms: ↑uncover, ↑bring out, ↑unveil, ↑reveal … Useful english dictionary
trot out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms trot out : present tense I/you/we/they trot out he/she/it trots out present participle trotting out past tense trotted out past participle trotted out informal 1) to provide an explanation, excuse, or piece of … English dictionary
trot out — {v. phr.} To bring out for inspection; display. * /Don t mention compact disks to Joe, or he ll trot out his entire collection and we ll be stuck here all night./ … Dictionary of American idioms
trot out — {v. phr.} To bring out for inspection; display. * /Don t mention compact disks to Joe, or he ll trot out his entire collection and we ll be stuck here all night./ … Dictionary of American idioms
trot\ out — v. phr. To bring out for inspection; display. Don t mention compact disks to Joe, or he ll trot out his entire collection and we ll be stuck here all night … Словарь американских идиом
trot out — PHRASAL VERB (disapproval) If you say that a person trots out old ideas or information, you are criticizing him or her for repeating them in a way that is not new or interesting. [INFORMAL] [V P n (not pron)] Was it really necessary to trot out… … English dictionary
trot out someone — trot out (someone/something) to bring someone or something to the attention of others, so they can see or admire it. The military trotted out all their experts to testify for the new weapons system. She trotted her espresso machine out this… … New idioms dictionary
trot out something — trot out (someone/something) to bring someone or something to the attention of others, so they can see or admire it. The military trotted out all their experts to testify for the new weapons system. She trotted her espresso machine out this… … New idioms dictionary
trot out — 1. Lead out, bring out. 2. Bring forward, exhibit, lead out, produce, display … New dictionary of synonyms