- troglobiont
- зоол. троглобионт, постоянный обитатель пещер, пещерное животное;
рыба, обитающая в подводных пещерах
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
troglobiont — TROGLOBIÓNT s. n. troglobie. (< fr. troglobionte) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Troglobiont — Lebewesen werden troglophil genannt, wenn sie Höhlen als komplementäres Habitat (Lebensraum) bevorzugen oder darauf angewiesen sind. Troglobiont sind Lebewesen, wenn sie ausschließlich in Höhlen leben. In der Regel sind damit natürliche oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
troglobiont — a true cave dweller; a troglobite … Dictionary of ichthyology
troglobiont — n. [Gr. trogle, hole; bios, life] A cave dwelling organism; troglobite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
troglobiont — /trog leuh buy ont/, n. any creature having a cave dwelling mode of life. Also called troglobite /trog leuh buyt /. [1920 25; < Gk troglo (see TROGLODYTE) + biont , s. of bión, prp. of bioûn to live] * * * … Universalium
Troglobiont — Tro|glo|bi|ọnt, der; en, en [zu griech. trōglē = Höhle u. biõn (Gen.: bioũntos), 1. Part. von: bioũn = leben] (Zool.): Höhlentier … Universal-Lexikon
troglobiont — trog·lo·bi·ont … English syllables
troglobiont — |träglō|bīˌänt, träˈglōbēˌ noun ( s) Etymology: troglo + biont : an animal living in or restricted to caves; especially : one occurring in the lightless waters of caves * * * /trog leuh buy ont/, n. any creature having a cave dwelling mode of… … Useful english dictionary
Cave insects — Caves are perhaps the most distinct and well defined of insect habitats. A number of insects are permanent habitual inhabitants of caves, characterized by marked specializations for the extreme conditions. These are the true cavernicole species.… … Wikipedia
troglobite — 1. An animal living permanently underground in the dark zone of caves and only accidentally leaving it [10]. 2. A creature that is fully adapted to life in total darkness and can only complete its life cycle underground [13]. 3. A… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Smocza Jama — ( dragon s den ) is a limestone cave in the Wawel Hill in Kraków. Owing to its location in the heart of the former Polish capital and its connection to the legendary Wawel Dragon, it is the best known cave in Poland. Morphology Smocza Jama has… … Wikipedia