

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trivialities" в других словарях:

  • Trivialities — Triviality Triv i*al i*ty, n.; pl. {Trivialities}. [Cf. F. trivialit[ e]] 1. The quality or state of being trivial; trivialness. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is trivial; a trifle. [1913 Webster] The philosophy of our times does not expend itself… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trivialities — trivial ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of little value or importance. DERIVATIVES triviality noun (pl. trivialities) . trivially adverb. ORIGIN originally in the sense «belonging to the trivium» (an introductory course at a medieval university involving the study …   English terms dictionary

  • trivialities — triv·i·al·i·ty || ‚trɪvɪ ælÉ™tɪ n. thing or topic lacking importance, something that is insignificant …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Triviality — Triv i*al i*ty, n.; pl. {Trivialities}. [Cf. F. trivialit[ e]] 1. The quality or state of being trivial; trivialness. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is trivial; a trifle. [1913 Webster] The philosophy of our times does not expend itself in furious… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vince Megna — (born August 24, 1944, Iron Mountain, Michigan, USA) is a Wisconsin attorney best known for his work in Lemon Law litigation. Lemon Law is the body of law that offers protection to owners of motor vehicles with recurring mechanical or other… …   Wikipedia

  • triviality — /triv ee al i tee/, n., pl. trivialities. 1. something trivial; a trivial matter, affair, remark, etc.: cocktail conversation marked by trivialities. 2. Also, trivialness /triv ee euhl nis/. trivial quality or character. [1590 1600; TRIVIAL +… …   Universalium

  • Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. — born Nov. 11, 1922, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S. U.S. novelist. He attended Cornell University and the University of Chicago. Captured by the Germans during World War II, he also survived the Allied firebombing of Dresden, an experience he made part… …   Universalium

  • Wittgenstein, Ludwig — ▪ British philosopher in full  Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein   born April 26, 1889, Vienna, Austria Hungary [now in Austria] died April 29, 1951, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eng.  Austrian born English philosopher, regarded by many as the… …   Universalium

  • Epistles to Timothy and Titus —     Epistles to Timothy and Titus     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Epistles to Timothy and Titus     (THE PASTORALS)     STS. TIMOTHY AND TITUS     Saints Timothy and Titus were two of the most beloved and trusted disciples of St. Paul, whom they… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Empedocles — M.R.Wright INTRODUCTION Empedocles was a native of Acragas (Agrigento) in Sicily, a Doric colony founded on the south coast of the island in the sixth century BC, which soon grew to rival Syracuse in its prosperity. A line of temples, many of… …   History of philosophy

  • triviality — triv|i|al|i|ty [ˌtrıviˈælıti] n plural trivialities 1.) something that is not important at all ▪ Don t waste time on trivialities. 2.) [U] the fact of not being at all important or serious ▪ the triviality of daytime TV …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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