trivial character

trivial character
мат. тривиальный характер

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trivial character" в других словарях:

  • Character theory — This article refers to the use of the term character theory in mathematics. For the media studies definition, see Character theory (Media). In mathematics, more specifically in group theory, the character of a group representation is a function… …   Wikipedia

  • Character table — Main article: Character theory In group theory, a character table is a two dimensional table whose rows correspond to irreducible group representations, and whose columns correspond to classes of group elements. The entries consist of characters …   Wikipedia

  • Trivial representation — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a trivial representation is a representation ( V , phi; ) of a group G on which all elements of G act as the identity mapping of V . A trivial representation of an associative or Lie algebra is… …   Wikipedia

  • Character education — is an umbrella term loosely used to describe the teaching of children in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant and/ or socially …   Wikipedia

  • Character shield — Character shields (also known as plot armor or plot shield) are plot devices in films and television shows that prevent important characters from dying or being seriously injured at dramatically inconvenient moments. It often denotes a situation… …   Wikipedia

  • Character sum — In mathematics, a character sum is a sum of values of a Dirichlet character χ modulo N, taken over a given range of values of n. Such sums are basic in a number of questions, for example in the distribution of quadratic residues, and in… …   Wikipedia

  • Character group — In mathematics, a character group is the group of representations of a group by complex valued functions. These functions can be thought of as one dimensional matrix representations and so are special cases of the group characters which arises in …   Wikipedia

  • Character variety — In the mathematics of moduli theory, given an algebraic, reductive, Lie group G and a finitely generated group π, the G character variety of π is a space of equivalence classes of group homomorphisms More precisely, G acts on by conjugation and… …   Wikipedia

  • trivial name — specific spe*cif ic (sp[ e]*s[i^]f [i^]k), a. [F. sp[ e]cifique, or NL. spesificus; L. species a particular sort or kind + facere to make. Cf. {specify}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a species; characterizing or constituting a species; possessing the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dirichlet character — In number theory, Dirichlet characters are certain arithmetic functions which arise from completely multiplicative characters on the units of . Dirichlet characters are used to define Dirichlet L functions, which are meromorphic functions with a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hecke character — In mathematics, in the field of number theory, a Hecke character is a generalisation of a Dirichlet character, introduced by Erich Hecke to construct a class of L functions larger than Dirichlet L functions, and a natural setting for the Dedekind …   Wikipedia

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