Смотреть что такое "triturated" в других словарях:
Triturated — Triturate Trit u*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Triturated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Triturating}.] [L. trituratus, p. p. of triturate to thrash (grain), fr. terere, tritum, to rub, rub to pieces. See {Trite}.] 1. To rub, grind, bruise, or thrash. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
triturated — adjective /ˈtrɪtjʊreɪtɪd/ ground down, pulverised , 1950: They cast no reflection in the water at their feet – it was too triturated by the pricking of the rain. Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan … Wiktionary
triturated — trit·u·rate || trɪtʃəreɪt v. grind into powder, pulverize … English contemporary dictionary
triturate — 1. To accomplish trituration. 2. A triturated substance. * * * trit·u·rate trich ə .rāt vt, rat·ed; rat·ing to pulverize and comminute thoroughly by rubbing or grinding <triturated the drug with a diluent> trit·u·rate rət n a triturated… … Medical dictionary
trituration — /trich euh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of triturating. 2. the state of being triturated. 3. Pharm. a. a mixture of a medicinal substance with sugar of milk, triturated to an impalpable powder. b. any triturated substance. [1640 50; < LL… … Universalium
trituration — 1. The act of reducing a drug to a fine powder and incorporating it thoroughly with sugar of milk by rubbing the two together in a mortar. SYN: tripsis (1). 2. Mixing of dental amalgam in a mortar and pestle or with a … Medical dictionary
trituration — trit•u•ra•tion [[t]ˌtrɪtʃ əˈreɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) chem. the act of triturating 2) chem. the state of being triturated 3) pha a) a mixture of a medicinal substance with lactose, triturated to an impalpable powder b) any triturated substance … From formal English to slang
trituration — /trɪtʃəˈreɪʃən/ (say trichuh rayshuhn) noun 1. the act of triturating. 2. the state of being triturated. 3. Pharmaceutical a. a mixture of a medicinal substance with milk sugar, triturated to an impalpable powder. b. any triturated substance …
trituration — noun Date: 1646 1. the act or process of triturating ; the state of being triturated ; comminution 2. a triturated medicinal powder made by triturating a substance with a diluent … New Collegiate Dictionary
triturate — triturator, n. v. /trich euh rayt /; n. /trich euhr it/, v., triturated, triturating, n. v.t. 1. to reduce to fine particles or powder by rubbing, grinding, bruising, or the like; pulverize. n. 2. a triturated substance. 3. Pharm. trituration… … Universalium
triturate — /ˈtrɪtʃəreɪt/ (say trichuhrayt) verb (t) (triturated, triturating) 1. to reduce to fine particles or powder by rubbing, grinding, bruising, or the like; pulverise. –noun 2. a triturated substance. 3. a trituration. {Late Latin trītūrātus, past… …